Use this page to display a list of the Attendance and Behavior communications that have been sent to a student's guardians. From this page, you can display details for the letter records that were created when the student met the criteria.
This page has two panels.
The Attendance Communications panel displays letter records calculated based on the number of absences within a range of dates. These records are created by the Attendance Criteria Calculation.
The Behavior Communications panel displays letter records calculated based on either incident codes or the actions taken for incidents. These records are created by the Behavior Criteria Calculation.
View student's communication history
Select Attendance > All > Student > Communication History or Interventions > All > Student > Communication History.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Review the communication history for the student.
To display the letter detail for a date, click the (Expand) icon on the row.
As needed, use the scroll bars on the panel and the expanded detail section to view data.
Student Information Bar
The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.
Attendance Communications Panel
This panel displays the letter records generated by the Attendance Criteria Calculation. To view the attendance details for the letter, click the (Expand) icon on the row.
The date that the letter record was triggered by criteria. This date does not necessarily indicate when the related absences occurred, but rather the date when the letter records were generated.
Click the (Expand) icon for a date to display the detail records associated with the student's letter.
School Year
The school year in which the letter was generated.
The code of the building that sent the letter.
Displays the code and description of the criteria the student met that generated the letter record.
A letter record will not display on this page until it has been "sent" to a merge file by running Attendance's Send Communications option.
Incident Created
Indicates whether the Attendance Criteria Calculation option also created a Behavior incident record. Displays Y (for Yes) if an incident was created or N (for No) if an incident was not created.
Attendance Detail Section
The following fields display when you click (Expand) for a date.
Attendance Date
The date on which the absence occurred.
Letter Sent
Indicates whether the letter was sent. Displays Y (for Yes) if the letter was sent or N (for No) if it was not sent. A letter is considered "sent" when it has been included in a merge file by running Attendance's Send Communications option.
Sent Notification
Indicates if the notification has been sent electronically via the PLUS 360 Notifications engine to users configured to receive notifications and optional email notifications, for example, eSchoolPlus users who have the required security resource; the student's Counselor; and the SSP Coordinator.
Indicates whether the condition that triggered the letter record on this date is now invalid. If Y (for Yes), the condition is considered invalid and will not count toward current notification criteria. If N (for No), the condition is still valid.
For example, if an unexcused absence was initially recorded and then changed to an excused absence, the calculation will no longer count the absence as meeting unexcused absence criteria.
Attendance Period
The attendance period in which the student was absent.
The attendance code identifying the absence.
Attendance Count
The number of attendance codes that met the criteria on the date indicated.
Detail information for the absence. The information that displays in this column depends on how absence criteria is calculated: by absences, minutes, or day totals.
Behavior Communications Panel
This panel displays the letter records generated by the Behavior Criteria Calculation. To view the details for the letter, click the (Expand) icon on the row.
The date that the letter record was triggered by criteria. This date does not necessarily indicate when the related incidents occurred, but rather the date when the letter records were generated.
Click the (Expand) icon for a date to display the detail records associated with the student's letter.
School Year
The school year in which the letter was generated.
The code of the building that sent the letter.
Displays the code and description of the criteria the student met that generated the letter record.
A letter record will not display on this page until it has been "sent" to a merge file by running the Send Communications option.
Discipline Detail Section
The following fields display when you click (Expand) for a date.
Run Date
The date on which the letter was calculated.
Run Number
The number identifying the calculation run that generated the letter.
Indicates whether the letter was sent. Displays Y (for Yes) if the letter was sent or N (for No) if it was not sent. A letter is considered "sent" when Discipline's Send Communication option is run to create the merge file.
Count Type
Indicates whether the letter count is based on offenses or actions.
Offense - indicates the criteria is defined to count incidents based on the incident codes reported for offenses. Action - indicates the criteria is defined to count incidents based on the action codes assigned to the student.
Offense Count
The number of times the student has received the incident codes specified in criteria.
Action Count
The number of times the student has received the action codes specified in criteria.
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