Use the Upload mode of this page to upload course request data from Career Cruising to create eSchoolPlus's course requests. This option inserts records into the course request (schd_stu_req) and course request marking period (schd_stu_req_mp) tables; it does not update existing request records.
The CACUL - Career Cruising Upload upload definition is used for the upload for Career Cruising. Note that this option does not use interface details to specify how data is uploaded thus the interface does not include interface detail records. Do not edit the interface.
Export the Course Requests data file from Career Cruising. For information about the required data file, refer to Upload File.
Transfer the data file to your report directory or another directory on the server. The file must be named CourseRequests.txt.
In the File field, click the button to search for and select the file you want to upload.
Click (Upload Records).
Click Tasks/Reports to verify that the file was uploaded to your report directory.
Upload student requests for Career Cruising integration
Select Administration > Utilities > Integration> Career Cruising Utility.
Verify that your interface is defined correctly for the data file by setting the Run Mode field to "Verify upload data without updating database". Then click Run.
Click Tasks/Reports and open the Career Cruising Upload Log and review the SQL to verify that data will be correctly updated or inserted.
If the SQL is not correct, review the data file to verify that it is correctly defined. If the SQL is correct, continue to Step 5.
Select Administration > Utilities > Integration> Career Cruising Utility to open the Career Cruising Utility page.
To back up test data before you run the import, set the Run Type field to Backup, and then click Run.
Run the upload by setting the Run Type field to Upload and the Run Mode field to "Run Upload". Then click Run.
Click Tasks/Reports and open the Career Cruising Upload Log to review any errors.
To view a list of records that could not be uploaded, open the CourseRequestErrors.txt file. This file includes an error statement to explain why data was not uploaded.
Check records that were loaded to verify that records are correct.
If you are not satisfied with the results of the import and you ran a backup before you uploaded data, you can restore data from the backup.
Select Administration > Utilities > Integration> Career Cruising Utility.
Set the Run Type field to Restore.
Click Run.
Use caution when using the Backup and Restore options if more than one user runs uploads or updates testing information within the district. The backup option backs up all data in the tables processed by the interface. It does not selectively process a building or test. Thus, if another user updates testing data between the time of the backup and restore, the user's data will be lost.
Prompts Panel
Run Type
Select to run the upload, backup data, or restore data.
Backup - to back up the data in the schd_stu_req and schd_stu_req_mp tables. Restore - to restore the data in the schd_stu_req and schd_stu_req_mp tables from the backup files. Upload - to run the upload in verify or update modes.
School Year
Select the school year for the requests you are uploading.
Current Year - to upload requests for the current school year. Next Year - to upload requests for the next school year.
Run Mode
Select the mode in which you want to run the upload.
Verify upload data without updating database - to run the upload in verify mode. Run upload, updating the database - to run the upload to insert records or update existing records.
Import Directory
Path where the source file is stored.
User's report directory - to indicate that the file is stored in your report directory. This directory - to enter the directory where the file is stored.
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