Use this page to define Gradebook categories that will be available for some, but not all buildings in the district. When teachers create an assignment, they assign it a Gradebook category, such as Homework, Quiz, Summative Assessment, Formative Assessment, and so forth. If teachers post grades to a mark that receives Gradebook results for a period of time (such as, marking period, semester, or year-to-date), they can select the categories that are averaged to calculate a mark.
You only need to define building categories if teachers in the building use different categories than teachers in other buildings. Categories that are available for all teachers in the district are defined as district categories using the Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Gradebook Setup > Gradebook District Categories option.
This page displays the categories created for the selected building, as well as categories created for other buildings. To add the category to the selected building, select the Include box and click Save.
View building Gradebook categories
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Gradebook Setup > Building Gradebook Categories.
If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
If a search page displays, select the building.
Add building Gradebook categories
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Gradebook Setup > Building Gradebook Categories.
If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
If a search page displays, select the building.
Complete fields in the blank row at the bottom.
Click Save.
Change building Gradebook categories
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Gradebook Setup > Building Gradebook Categories.
If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
If a search page displays, select the building.
Change values as needed.
To add a defined category to the selected building, select the Include checkbox.
Click Save.
Delete building Gradebook categories
You can only delete building categories that have not been used in Gradebook by any teacher and have not been included in another building. If a category is in use in another building, use the Include box instead to remove the category from a building.
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Gradebook Setup > Building Gradebook Categories.
If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
If a search page displays, select the building.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
To remove a category from the building when the category is used by other buildings, clear the Include checkbox.
Click Save.
Make a building category available as a district category
If you decide a category should be available for teachers in all buildings, use the Gradebook District Categories page to change the category to a district category. The page lists both district and building categories.
Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Gradebook Setup > Gradebook District Categories.
To change a building category to a district category, select the Change to District Category checkbox.
Click Save.
Building Gradebook Categories Panel
Checked if the category is available for teachers in the building. If unchecked, this category was defined for another building and is available to be included for the selected building.
Code for category. Character/5
Text describing the category. Character/255
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use.
District Defined Categories Panel
To display the district categories, click (Expand) on this panel.
Displays the code for the district category.
Displays the description for the district category.
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