Use this page to configure building-specific options for the Behavior system.
View a building's behavior configuration
From the Administration menu, select the Interventions Setup submenu, select Behavior, and then select Behavior Building Configuration.
If a search page displays, select the building.
If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
Add a building's behavior configuration
From the Administration menu, select the Interventions Setup submenu, select Behavior, and then select Behavior Building Configuration.
If a search page displays, select the building.
If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
Complete the page's fields as needed.
Click Save.
Change a building's behavior configuration
From the Administration menu, select the Interventions Setup submenu, select Behavior, and then select Behavior Building Configuration.
If a search page displays, select the building.
If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
Change the values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete a building's behavior configuration
From the Administration menu, select the Interventions Setup submenu, select Behavior, and then select Behavior Building Configuration.
If a search page displays, select the building.
If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
Click (Delete) at the page's upper right. A confirmation dialog is displayed.
Click Yes.
General Panel
Enable Attendance Entry Based on Actions
Selected if attendance can be entered when offender actions are assigned. The attendance records created would account for actions such as suspensions and detentions where the student is removed from class. In the Offense Actions validation table, define an attendance code for an action where attendance should be recorded.
When a user saves an offense action with dates entered and the action is associated with an attendance code, an attendance window opens so the user can save related attendance for the action. Users can choose to exclude a period if the student will not be removed from class in that period.
If an action is associated with an attendance code, then the Incident Detail page cannot be used to assign that action. It must be added from the Offender Detail page so users can enter the date information needed to record attendance.
Enable Editing of Teacher Referrals
Selected to control whether a user can maintain these fields on the Behavior Referrals page:
Issue - to select the type of the issue.
Location - the location where the issue happened.
Notes - add notes to the referral history of this issue.
Magistrate number
Select the magistrate to assign to Behavior Incidents created by Attendance Criteria Calculation.
Communication Setup Panel
Use Language Templates
If the building sends letters to parents, indicates if letters are sent in multiple languages. Choices include:
D - Default Language - to send letters in one language.
M - Multiple Languages - to send letters in multiple languages. Specify the languages in the List of Language Codes field.
If you select this option, the system will check the appropriate language field for a student to determine the language code to use for the letter. The language code is appended to the end of the form file name so that the correct letter is generated. If the language is not in the list of languages specified in the List of Letter Language Codes field, the language code is not included in the letter.
For students, language is entered in the General Panel on the Student Addresses page; for guardians it is entered in the General Panel of the Contact page. If the Use Language for Mailings box is checked and the code matches one of the language codes entered in the List of Letter Language Codes field, the language code is included in the form letter name. N - Not Sending Letters - to not send letters to parents. If you select Not Sending Letters, the remaining fields on this page cannot be accessed.
Form Letter File Name
The name of the data source file used to create the form letter template name. For example, if behavior letters should have a prefix of bhvr, you could enter bhvr. Character/255
List of Language Codes
The languages used for letters. You can only access this field if you selected the Multiple Language option in the Use Language Templates field. If your building prints letters in multiple languages, list the languages in a comma-delimited list.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Data Download Path
Not implemented at this time.
Program ID
The program where you store additional information to print on letters.
Registration District-Defined Screen
The district-defined screen where you store additional information to print on letters.
Send Email
Not implemented at this time.
Sender Email Address
Email address to include as the email sender in the merge file. Character/255
Referral Report Setup Panel
You can use the fields in this tab to specify the Header and Footer text you want to print on the Behavior Referral report for this building. Character/255
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