Use this page to add, change, delete, and view attendance intervals for your building.
Attendance intervals define the periods of time for which attendance information needs to be totaled and how they should be totaled, for example, by code, district group, or state group. For example, attendance totals may be calculated for a range of dates, for a calendar month, for a set of weeks, or for a specific duration type such as a marking period.
The attendance interval totals are the sum of the day totals for the appropriate interval. The day totals are defined in the attendance views.
If you are defining intervals for the first time for a building, you can use the Generate Intervals option to create intervals for months or a specified number of weeks. To access the option, click (Additional options).
If records display for a building other than the one you want, run a search, then select another building.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Auto-Generate Panel
This panel only displays when no intervals have been saved for a building. You can use the panel to automatically generate intervals or enter the intervals manually on the Attendance Intervals panel.
After completing one of the following options, click Generate Intervals.
Generate one Interval for each
Creates an interval for the time period selected.
In the adjacent field, select:
M - Month - to create an interval for each month in the regular school year. Marking Period - to create an interval for each marking period in the regular school year.
Generate ___ -week Intervals
Enter the number of weeks to assign to each interval. The number of intervals generated depends on the length of your regular school year. For example, if your school year is 36 weeks and you assign two weeks to each interval, the system will generate 18 intervals.
Attendance Intervals Panel
Code identifying the attendance interval. Character/5
Description of the attendance interval. Character/255
Number indicating the order that this attendance interval should be listed in table help. Integer/5
Interval Type
Indicates the period of days to use for this interval.
D - Date - to use a date range to indicate the days to include in the attendance totals calculation. M - Month - to use calendar months to indicate the days to include in the attendance totals calculation. W - Week - to use week numbers to indicate the days to include in the attendance totals calculation.
Specific duration types for the building are also listed. For example, if your building divides the years into quarters using a Marking Period duration, you could select an interval type of Marking Period. Use the Marking Period Weeks records for the duration type to indicate the days to include in the attendance totals calculation.
Begin Span
The start of the range for the attendance calculation. The valid options are based on the selected interval type. For example, if the interval type is D - Date, you can enter a date.
If you want to calculate attendance for a single day, month, week, or duration, enter the same value in the End Span field.
End Span
The end of the range for the attendance calculation. The valid options are based on the selected interval type. For example, if the interval type is D - Date, you can enter a date.
If you want to calculate attendance for a single day, month, week, or duration, enter the same value as entered in the Begin Span field.
Sum by Att (Attendance Code)
Checked if you want to calculate attendance interval totals for each converted attendance code included in an attendance view.
Sum by Dist (District Group)
Checked if you want to calculate attendance totals for this interval for each district group.
Sum by St (State Group)
Checked if you want to calculate attendance totals for this interval for each state group.
State Code Equiv (Equivalent)
State-defined code corresponding to the district code identifying the interval. Refer to your state reporting requirements for more information.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use.
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