On the Attendance Code Search page, select (Additional options), then select Code Colors.
On the Attendance Color dialog, click an attendance code's color box code to display the Color Picker: A checkmark indicates the code's current color. If the current color is custom-defined, it will display below the Color Grid, as shown in the illustration.
Click the new color on the Color Grid. or To define a custom color, click more to expand the Color Picker:
Select a hue by clicking a color on the Color Bar.
Define a color on the Gradient Square by dragging the dot. The resulting color displays in the code's original color box.
Click the code's color box to select the custom color and close the Color Picker.
Repeat Steps 3 - 4 for each code you want to change.
Click OK to save the changes and close the Attendance Color dialog.
Delete attendance codes
You can only delete codes that have not been used in recording attendance.
On the Attendance Codes Search page, select the Delete checkbox for each attendance code you want to delete. If you only want to delete a code for a building, remove the building from the Associated Buildings field.
Click Save.
Settings Panel
Attendance Code
The characters that identify this attendance code. Character/5
The color of the code text is the color associated with the attendance code for the Attendance Year View page.
Description of the attendance code. Character/255
Use Arrive Time
Indicates if a time in should be entered for the attendance code.
N - None - if you do not want to allow users to enter a time in when they mark a student with this attendance code. O - Optional - if you want to allow users to enter a time in when they mark a student with this attendance code. R - Required - if you want to require that users enter a time in when they mark a student with this attendance code.
Use Dismiss Time
Indicates if a time out should be entered for the attendance code.
N - None - if you do not want to allow users to enter a time out when they mark a student with this attendance code. O - Optional - if you want to allow users to enter a time out when they mark a student with this attendance code. R - Required - if you want to require that users enter a time out when they mark a student with this attendance code.
Alternate Attendance Code
Select the code to assign to students instead of the selected Attendance Code when they meet either the minimum age or grade exceptions for Attendance Accountability specified in the District Configuration. The code you select in this field will be assigned instead of the Teacher or Office entry when a teacher or the office enters the selected Attendance Code.
For example, you could select an Accountability Alternate Code of Excused Absence for an Attendance Code of Unexcused Absence. When a teacher or office entry of Unexcused Absence is saved for a student who meets the minimum age or grade exceptions, the system will change the code to Excused Absence
List of buildings that use this attendance code. If no buildings are selected, then this code is used for all buildings.
Select buildings only if a code is used in a specific set of buildings.
District Group
District group in which the attendance for this code should be included when attendance interval totals are calculated. For example, if the attendance code is for doctor's visit, you may include attendance for this code in an excused group.
If the attendance for the code should not be included in a group, leave this field blank.
State Group
State group in which the attendance for this code should be included when attendance interval totals are calculated. Select the state group as required by your state reporting needs.
For example, if the state requires that you report a total for unexcused absence, assign the same state group to all attendance codes that indicate an unexcused absence.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
If the attendance for the code should not be reported to the state in any group, leave this field blank.
SIF Type
Select the SIF Attendance Type code to assign to the eSchoolPlus attendance code.
SIF Status
Select the SIF Attendance Status to indicate the excused status for the attendance code.
State Code Equivalent
State-defined code that corresponds to the Attendance Code. Refer to your state reporting requirements for more information.
SIF Precedence
Indicate the order of priority this attendance code would have in relation to other codes.
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