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Attachment Categories Page

On this page:

Use this page to add or change the categories of attachments that can be stored for students. Categories are assigned to attachments when they are uploaded.

Besides defining the type of attachment that is stored, a category specifies the security resources required for users to download a particular document. For example, the category REGMAINT could identify Registration attachments, such as the pdf file of a birth certificate. To see the document in the Student Attachments window, users could be required to have security for the Registration package, Maintenance subpackage, and Maintenance feature, as assigned to the category.

This table validates the Student Attachments window's Category field. The window can be displayed from any Student detail page by clicking


Security resources do not limit the ability for teachers to view attachments in TAC. In the TAC Building Configuration page, you can select whether teachers and substitutes can view attachments and select the categories of attachments that should be displayed in TAC.

If your district integrates eSchoolPlus with PowerSchool Enrollment, your integration can optionally include the Document Integration which allows eSchoolPlus users to access documents submitted and stored in Enrollment from the Student Attachments window. The Document Integration requires eSchoolPlus or later. Visit the PowerSchool Enrollment Admin help for details.

Documents delivered from the Enrollment integration will be associated with the "_apienrollment" user. This user account must have security resources for the attachment categories that can be associated with the documents submitted in Enrollment.

View valid attachment categories

Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Attachment Categories.

Add attachment categories

  1. Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Attachment Categories.
  2. Complete fields in the blank row at the bottom.
  3. Click Save.

Change attachment categories

  1. Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Attachment Categories.
  2. Change values as needed.
  3. Click Save.

Delete attachment categories

You can only delete codes that are not in use.

  1. Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Attachment Categories.
  2. Select the
    (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
  3. Click Save.


Attachment Categories Panel



Attachment Category

Code identifying a category of documents that would require certain security resources to upload, view, or download. For example, MEDIMMUN could identify medical immunization records. Users with access to documents in this category would need the appropriate security resources associated with the eSchoolPlus Medical package, as assigned in the category's Sec Package, Sec Subpackage, and Sec Features fields. Character/10


Description of the attachment category. Character/255

Sec(urity) Package

Select the software application within eSchoolPlus associated with the attachment category, such as REG for Registration or MED for Medical. A user with package access can run all options for that package.

If a Security Package is not selected, all users will be able to access all attachments that have this category assigned, regardless of their security resources.

Sec(urity) Subpackage

Select the Subpackage within the Security Package specified in the previous field. A user with Subpackage access can run a group of options under the associated package, such as the Year-End Processing options in the Medical package.

A Security Package must be selected to enter a Subpackage. If a Subpackage is not selected, users who have the Security Package selected will be able to access all attachments that have this category assigned, without regard to Subpackage restrictions.

Sec(urity) Feature

Select the level of security that applies to specific options or fields within the subpackage. For example, if MED (Medical) is the package and MAINT (Maintenance) is the subpackage, you could assign IMMUN (Maintain Student Immunizations) as the required security resource for personnel who can enter and view immunization documents.

A Security Subpackage must be selected to enter a Feature. If a Feature is not selected, users who have the specified Security Package-Subpackage combination will able to access all attachments that have this category assigned, without regard to Feature restrictions.


Checked if the category should be available when a user is uploading an attachment.


To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use.

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