Use this page to list the athletic eligibility status codes for your district. For example, status codes may be probation, warning, eligible, and ineligible. This table validates the Status field on the Eligibility tab of the Student Activities page. If you calculate eligibility based on attendance, behavior, report cards, or interim progress reports, the calculation sets the status for the student to the status with the lowest priority that has not expired and does not expire for the longest period of time.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
Athletic Eligibility Panel
Code identifying the eligibility/ineligibility status. Character/5
Description of the eligibility/ineligibility status. Character/255
Number indicating the priority order in which to process status codes. Lower numbers have a higher priority.
Eligible Flag
Select the status that indicates the student is Eligible to participate in activities. Only one code can be designated as the eligible status.
Indicates if the code should be available when a user modifies a record.
If your district requirements change and you no longer want to use a code, remove the checkmark from the Active checkbox. Users will no longer be able to select the code when maintaining records. The code cannot be used in records for the current year or future years, but the code is still stored in prior year records.
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