If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click (Additional options) on the page's title bar, and select Show Eligibility History. The page now displays both current and expired eligibility information.
To return to display only the student's current eligibility status, click (Additional options), and select Show Non-Expired Eligibility.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Eligibility panel of the Activities page, click the link displayed in the Calculated Status field.
Student Information Bar The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.
Activities Panel
This panel references the student's records as entered in the Activity Detail page. The students activities are listed and each display as:
Name of the activity. Click to view the corresponding Activity Detail page.
Activity Comment
Displays Activity Comment, if any, as entered on the Activity Detail page.
Primary staff member in charge of the activity. The Activity Detail page also lists secondary advisors.
Start Date
Start date for this activity (for informational purposes).
End Date
End date for this activity (for informational purposes).
Indicates the number of hours for the activity (for informational purposes).
Eligibility Panel
Fields on this panel are read-only.
The student's date of birth.
The student's calculated age.
Calculated Status
Indicates whether the student is eligible to participate in the activity. This field displays as a link that opens the Activities List page.
Indicates the reason the student is not eligible to participate in the activity. A student can be considered ineligible for participation based on attendance, mark reporting, or behavior information.
Effective Date
Indicates the effective date that the student is not eligible to participate in the activity.
Restriction Expiration
Indicates the date the student will once again be eligible to participate in the activity.
Manual Entries Panel
You can use the fields in this panel to manually enter eligibility information. Click Add to add a new manual entry row.
Code that identifies whether the student is eligible or ineligible to participate in the activity.
Multiple eligibility "tiers" can be established per building. For example, you can set up criteria for a Warning or Probation status and criteria to designate who should be completely ineligible for the activity.
If your building's Registration Configuration allows Academic alerts for student eligibility and the eligibility code selected is listed in the configuration, an alert will display in Student Center pages. The alert can be viewed by users with the appropriate security and may also display for teachers and substitutes in Teacher Access Center. For details, refer to Student Alerts.
Indicates the effective date that the student is eligible or ineligible to participate in the activity.
Indicates the date the student will once again be eligible or ineligible to participate in the activity.
the code and description (name) of the building in which the student is enrolled.
Indicates the reason the student is not eligible to participate in the activity. A student can be considered potentially ineligible for participation based on attendance, behavior, or mark reporting information.
Attendance Panel
Eligibility information based on Attendance information displays on this panel.
The Communications Calculation page (Attendance > All > Attendance Communications > Attendance Criteria Calculation) populates students' eligibility information, if the criterion has been enabled for eligibility in the setup.
Behavior Panel
Eligibility information based on Behavior information displays on this panel.
The Behavior Criteria Calculation page (Interventions > All > Behavior Communications > Behavior Criteria Calculation) populates students' eligibility information, if the criterion has been enabled for eligibility in the setup.
Progress Panel
Eligibility information based on Progress information displays on this panel.
The Progress Eligibility Calculation page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Eligibility Calculations > Progress Calculation) determines who is disqualified from an activity based on specific qualifying or disqualifying marks, comments, or class absence totals stored in the Progress tables.
Report Card Panel
Eligibility information based on Report Card information displays on this panel. This information is determined on the Report Card Eligibility Setup page (Administration > Registration Setup > Activity Eligibility Setup > Report Card Eligibility Setup) and Report Cards Eligibility Calculation page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Eligibility Calculations > Report Cards Calculation). The system establishes who is eligible for an activity by calculating their current GPA and comparing it against the minimum and maximum GPA and/or the specific marks received. Students who are disqualified or ineligible based on the setup criteria are assigned an ineligibility code.
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