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Invalid entry date for student S. Record skipped.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal

Entry Date

The entry date is not in a valid date format and needs to be corrected. This could possibly be a database-related issue.

Invalid withdrawal date for student S. Record skipped.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal

Withdrawal Date

The withdrawal date is not in a valid date format and needs to be corrected. This could possibly be a database-related issue.

Entry/withdrawal record for student S does not match Resident/District of Residency/Funding District program vectors. Entry not inserted.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal

Entry Date, Withdrawal Date

The entry and withdrawal dates for the student do not exactly align with the start and end dates of the following programs: PARES (PA Residency), RESD (District of Residency), FUND (Funding District). Correct either the entry/withdrawal dates or the program start/end dates to match accordingly.

Student ID S Homebound Instruction Minutes M must be a non-decimal numeric value.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > HOMEB - Homebound Instruction


The value must be numeric and not contain decimal points. The value represents the total number of homebound instructional minutes for the entire school year.

No matching district: D, record skipped.

Administration > General Setup > District > District

District, State Equivalency Code

A district or state equivalency code that matches Funding District or District of Residency D does not exist. Either add a validation district with this number or set an existing district's state code equivalent.

Student S has missing state code equiv for funding district D

Administration > General Setup > District > District

State Equivalency Code

District D does not contain a state code equivalent. It must be populated.

Student S has missing state code equiv for district of residence D

Administration > General Setup > District > District

State Equivalency Code

District D does not contain a state code equivalent. It must be populated.

Student S has Resident Status of R so Resident Statuses other than A, District of Residence cannot be the same as the District AUN.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > RESD - District of Residency


When a student's Resident Status (PARES program) is not A, it implies that their District of Residence is not the same as their local district AUN. As such, the program value must differ from the local district number.

Student S has Resident Status of R so District of Residence cannot be the same as either the Funding District or the District AUN.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > RESD - District of Residency


When a student's Resident Status (PARES program) is equal to "B" or "C", their district of residency cannot match either the Funding District (FUND program) or the local district number. As such, it must be changed.

Student S has Resident Status of R so Resident Statuses D or E, District of Residence must equal 999999999.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > RESD - District of Residency


When a student's Resident Status (PARES program) is equal to "D" or "E", their district of residency must equal 999999999. Update the program to reflect this.

Student S has Resident Status of R so Funding District must equal AUN.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > FUND - Funding District


When a student's Resident Status (PARES program) is equal to "D" or "E", their funding district must be equal to their local district code. Update the program to reflect this.

Student S has Resident Status of R so district code of residence AUN can not equal the funding district code.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > RESD - District of Residency


When a student's Resident Status (PARES program) is equal to "D" or "E", their district of residency cannot match the Funding District (FUND program). Update the program to reflect this.

Student S has Resident Status of R so neither District of Residence nor Funding District should equal 888888888 or 999999999.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > RESD - District of Residency/FUND - Funding District


When a student's Resident Status (PARES program) is equal to "F", "H", or "I", neither the Residency District nor the Funding District can be either of 888888888 or 999999999. Update the programs to reflect this.

Student S has Resident Status of R so District of Residence must equal Funding District.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > RESD - District of Residency/FUND - Funding District


When a student's Resident Status (PARES program) is equal to "G"", the Residency District must match the Funding District exactly. Update the programs to reflect this.

Student S has Resident Status of R so District of Residence must equal 888888888.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > RESD - District of Residency


When a student's Resident Status (PARES program) is equal to "J"", the Residency District must be equal to 888888888. Update the program to reflect this.

Student S has Resident Status of A so neither District of Residence nor Funding District should equal 888888888 or 999999999.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > RESD - District of Residency/FUND - Funding District


When a student's Resident Status (PARES program) is equal to "A"", neither the Residency District nor the Funding District can equal 888888888 or 999999999. Update the programs to reflect this.

Missing state code equivilant for grade: G

Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Grades

State Equivalency Code

The state code equivalent for the student's grade is not populated and needs to be.

No State Reporting ID found for StudentID S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal


The state reporting ID for the student is not populated. Enter or generate one.

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