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Student and Student Snapshot Downloads

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Field Name(s)

Resolution Steps

State code for district is not present or is > 9 characters. No data will be processed.

Administration > General Setup > District > District

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for your district is not populated or contains more than 9 characters. Add a state code or correct its length.

State code length > 4 for building B.

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for building B is longer than 4 characters in length. Correct the length of the state code.

State code for building B must be numeric. Current value is: S

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for building B is not formatted properly and contains non-numeric characters. Update the field to contain only numeric characters.

State ID is blank or > 10 characters for Student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal


The state reporting ID for the student is not populated or contains more than 10 characters. Enter or generate one or correct its length.

State code for grade G is missing.

Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Grades

State Equivalency Code

The state code equivalent for the student's grade is not populated and needs to be.

Invalid gender code G for student S.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration


The student gender must be either "M" (Male) or "F" (Female). This error could indicate a potential database issue.

There is no student snapshot date for submission code S in the PA Submission Periods validation table. Range end date has been used.

Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > Pennsylvania State Reporting Application > Submission Periods table

Stu Snap Date

Enter a snapshot date for the submission period being used in the download. If none is entered, the end date prompt will be used instead.

Invalid Birth Date Verification code C for student S in Building B

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS

Birth Date Verification

The birth verification code entered for the student is not present in the Birth Verification validation table. Either choose a valid code or add the invalid code to the validation table.

Assessment Participation Code = A but PASA Test Taker indicator has not been checked on PIMS screen for student S.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS

PASA Test Taker

Any student who has an Assessment Participation Code (APC program) value of A should also have the PASA Test Taker flag checked.

Assessment Participation Code = C but PASA Test Taker indicator has been checked on PIMS screen for student S.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS

PASA Test Taker

Any student who has an Assessment Participation Code (APC program) value other than A should not have the PASA Test Taker flag checked.

Grade 9 entry date missing for student S in grade G.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

Date Entered Grade 9

Students in grades 9-12 must have a grade 9 entry date populated.

Student S has been in US > 3 years so value for Years in US Schools will be cleared in download.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

US Enrollment Date

If the difference between an immigrant student's US enrollment date or US enrollment period program (USENR) and October 1st of the current school year is greater than 3 years, the student's Years in US Schools field will be blank.

Student S is enrolled in special ed Program but does not have an open disability vector

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Emergency > Disability panel

Start Date, End Date, Disability Order / Priority, Disability Code

For any amount of time when the student was considered a "Y" or "E" in special education, they must have an open disability vector. If there is not one for that student's time period, create one.

Special ed student S must have disability with order=1 and a state code equivalent (see disabilities tab of emergency screen).

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Emergency > Disability panel

Start Date, End Date, Disability Order / Priority, Disability Code

For any amount of time when the student was considered a "Y" or "E" in special education, they must have an open disability vector. If there is not one for that student's time period, create one.

Recently exited (<2 years) special ed student S must have disability with order=1 and a state code equivalent (see disabilities tab of emergency screen).

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Emergency > Disability panel

Start Date, End Date, Disability Order / Priority, Disability Code

For any amount of time when the student was considered a "Y" or "E" in special education, they must have an open disability vector. If there is not one for that student's time period, create one.

Hispanic flag is set to undecided for student S. When determining race code, code will assume student is not of Hispanic ethnicity.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal

Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity

If the student's Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity indicator is set to "Unanswered", they will be assumed to not be Hispanic for the sake of the download.

State code for residence building R is missing.

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for building R is not present and needs to be added.

State code for residence building R is C which is > 4 digits.

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for building R is longer than 4 characters in length. Correct the length of the state code.

State code for country of birth, C, is missing.

Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > Registration Application > Countries table

State Equivalency Code

Enter a state code equivalent for the birth country in question.

State code for country of birth, C, is > 4.

Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > Registration Application > Countries table

State Equivalency Code

The state code equivalent for the country cannot be longer than 4 characters in length. Correct the length so that it is 4 characters long.

Highest priority guardian contact for special ed student S has registration labels turned off on the contact detail screen. Student's mailing address has been used instead.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Contacts > Student/Contact Relationship panel

Print Flags: Registration Labels

If the contact with the highest priority for the student has this checkbox unchecked, the student's mailing address will be used in the template instead of the primary guardian's address.

No guardian contact found for special ed student S. Student's mailing address has been used instead.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Contacts

Name, Type, Priority, Relationship

If no guardian contacts are specified for a special education student, their mailing address will be used in the template instead of the primary guardian's address.

No valid address record found for student S.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Contacts

Name, Type, Priority, Relationship

No guardian contacts are specified for the student. Enter a primary guardian contact to be used.

US Enrollment Date must be entered for ELL student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

US Enrollment Date

Enter a US enrollment date for the ELL student.

No homeroom found for student S. Student has been assigned a homeroom of 'N/A' in download.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

Primary Homeroom

If there is no entry for Primary Homeroom or the HMRM program, the default of "N/A" will be used in the template.

Invalid state code for graduation status G for Student: S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > GRADS - Graduation Status


The code entered does not have a valid State Code Equivalent in the Graduation Status validation table. Either enter a valid code or add the invalid code to the validation table.

Student: S – Student identified as previous year special education graduate, but current grad status is blank.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > GRADS - Graduation Status


If a special education student had a withdrawal date and graduation status for the summer of the previous year (7/1 – 10/1), they need to have a graduation status when being submitted on the current year template.

Student: S - Student identified as previous year special education graduate; Graduation Status set to 'S'

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > GRADS - Graduation Status


If a special education student had a withdrawal date and graduation status for the summer of the previous year (7/1 – 10/1), their current graduation status will be translated to "S" in the template.

Student with graduation status of 'S' does not have previous year status of 'G' or special education flag of 'Y' or 'E' – for Student: S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > GRADS - Graduation Status


If the student is not enrolled in special education or did not have a withdrawal date and graduation status for the summer of the previous year (7/1 – 10/1), they cannot have a current year graduation status of "S".

Student S has a current status other than Active and no graduation status.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > GRADS - Graduation Status


If the student withdrew before the prompt end date, they must have a graduation status entered.

Student S has a current status of Active and a graduation status.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > GRADS - Graduation Status


Students who have open entry/withdrawal vectors in the current school year do not need a graduation status entered.

No state code for student status T. Student S will have a blank student status field value.

Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > Pennsylvania State Reporting Applications > Student Status table

State Equivalency Code

The state code equivalent needs to be populated for student status T or else the student will not receive a student status value in the template.

Student S is identified as current IEP with Plan 504. This is an invalid condition per the PIMS business rules for field 70 and value for Plan 504 will be reported as N.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > PL504 - 504 Plan


A student cannot be concurrently enrolled in both the SPEC program and the PL504 program. If this is the case, the download will default the 504 plan value to 'N'. To properly correct the data, one of the two programs must be updated.

Invalid state code for gifted status G for student S.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > GIFT - Gifted


The code entered does not have a valid State Code Equivalent in the Gifted validation table. Either enter a valid code or add the invalid code to the validation table.

State code for Diploma Type D is longer than 3 digits. Entry not inserted.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Academic

Diploma Type

The code entered has a state code equivalent in the Diploma Type validation table that is longer than 3 digits in length. Correct the state code in the validation table.

Invalid state code for Diploma Type D for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Academic

Diploma Type

The code entered does not have a valid State Code Equivalent in the Diploma Type validation table. Either enter a valid code or add the invalid code to the validation table.

School Entry Date Override value V has been used for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS

School Entry Date Override

Since a value was entered for this student, the school entry date override was used in the template.

District Entry Date Override value V has been used for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS

District Entry Date Override

Since a value was entered for this student, the district entry date override was used in the template.

Invalid or blank entry/withdrawal vector entry date, E, found for student S. Record was skipped in school entry date calculation.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal

Entry Date

The entry date for the student's current local building is improperly entered and it must be updated/corrected. This may indicate a database issue.

No valid school entry date found for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal

Entry Date

No valid entry dates were found for the student in their current local building. Check the entry/withdrawal records for any data entry errors or add a new record to correspond to the correct school.

Invalid or blank entry/withdrawal vector entry date, E, found for student S. Record was skipped in District entry date calculation.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal

Entry Date

The entry date for the student's most recent entry to the district is improperly entered and it must be updated/corrected. This may indicate a database issue.

No valid District entry date found for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal

Entry Date

No valid entry dates were found for the student's most recent entry to the district. Check the entry/withdrawal records for any data entry errors or add a new record to correspond to the correct district entry.

School entry date was earlier than state entry date and has been reset for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

State Enrollment Date

The student's earliest entry date for their current school is earlier than the entered state enrollment date. The state enrollment date will be used for processing. It is recommended to correct the state enrollment date to match the earliest date the student entered.

School entry date was earlier than district entry date and has been reset for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

District Enrollment Date

The student's earliest entry date for their current school is earlier than the entered district enrollment date. The district enrollment date will be used for processing. It is recommended to correct the district enrollment date to match the earliest date the student entered.

Grade 9 entry date populated for student not in grades 9-12. Grade 9 entry date defaulted to blank for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

Date Entered Grade 9

Students in grades 9-12 cannot have a grade 9 entry date. The download will automatically remove the value, but it is recommended to remove the date from the field.

Graduation status present but no post-graduation activity for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Academic

Expected Graduation Plans

Any student with a graduation status entered in the GRADS program with a value other than T or L must have an expected post-graduation activity entered.

Graduation status present but no diploma type for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Academic

Diploma Type

Students with graduation status G in the GRADS program must have a diploma type entered.

Graduation status of 'G' for foreign exchange student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS

Foreign Exchange, Graduation Status

If the Foreign Exchange checkbox is checked, the student should not have a graduation status of G.

Invalid change in LEP Status from previous year to current year for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > LEP - LEP Participation


If the student had an LEP value of 01 for the previous year, they cannot have an LEP value of 99 for the current year. It is recommended that they have a value of 03 (exited, first year of monitoring).

Invalid change in Special Education status from previous year to current year for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > SPEC - Special Education


If the student had a SPEC value of Y for the previous year, they cannot have a SPEC value of N for the current year. It is recommended that they have a value of E (exited). This should be automatically handled in the download process.

Previous year graduation status set to graduated for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > GRADS - Graduation Status


When running for a school year prior to the current year, any students with a graduation status of G will display this warning. The data does not need to be modified in any way.

Post-Grad Activity of '997' requires Special Ed. value of 'Y' for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Academic

Expected Graduation Plans

If a student's expected graduation plans are 997, the student must be actively enrolled in special education program SPEC. Either update the student's SPEC program or select a different expected graduation plan.

Challenge type blank for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Emergency > Disability panel

Disability Code & Description

Students who have a Y or E value for special education must also have a challenge type (disability) specified.

District Entry Date reported after School Entry Date for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

District Enrollment Date

The student's earliest entry date for their current school is earlier than the entered district enrollment date. The district enrollment date will be used for processing. It is recommended to correct the district enrollment date to match the earliest date the student entered.

State Entry Date reported after District Entry Date for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

State Enrollment Date, District Enrollment Date

The student's state enrollment date is later than their district entry date, which is an invalid scenario. However, this is just a warning and will not modify any data. It is recommended that you correct the dates.

State Entry Date reported after School Entry Date for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

State Enrollment Date

The student's earliest entry date for their current school is earlier than the entered state enrollment date. The state enrollment date will be used for processing. It is recommended to correct the state enrollment date to match the earliest date the student entered.

Date enrolled in US School blank for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

US Enrollment Date

Students indicated as immigrants on the PIMS Student screen must have a US Enrollment date entered.

Home language code missing for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

Home Language

Students should have their home language populated.

Grade level not in building B for student S

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition

Grade List

The student in question is enrolled in a grade level that is not present in their current building. Either add the grade to the building's grade list or correct the student's grade via Entry/Withdrawal.

Student reported as Title III, but LEP/ELL status not set to '01' for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > LEP - LEP Participation


If a student is enrolled in any Title III program (state codes 019, 047, 048, 049, 050, 051, 052, 053, 054), then they also need to have an LEP status of 01.

Date enrolled in ESL program prior to date enrolled in US School for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration

US Enrollment Date

The student's earliest start date in the LEP program is prior to the date on which they enrolled in US schools. This is an invalid situation and either the US Enrollment Date or LEP program start date should be adjusted.

Date enrolled in ESL program not reported for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > LEP - LEP Participation

Start Date

The student was indicated as having an LEP value of 01, but has no associated start date. This may indicate a database issue.

Foreign exchange student reported as ELL (LEP part of '01') for student S

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > LEP - LEP Participation


The student is marked as foreign exchange on the PIMS Student screen, but has an LEP value of 01. This warning does not alter data, but is merely informative.

State code equivalent for District of Enrollment must be a valid AUN. Defaulted to local AUN for student S

Administration > General Setup > District > District

State Equivalency Code

The value in the student's ENRD program does not have a valid state code equivalent entered in the District setup. Enter a valid state code or the download will correct it to the local district AUN.

State code equivalent for District of Enrollment contains non-numeric characters. Defaulted to local AUN for student S

Administration > General Setup > District > District

District, State Equivalency Code

The value in the student's ENRD program has a state code equivalent that contains non-numeric characters in the District setup. Enter a valid state code or the download will correct it to the local district AUN.

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