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Staff Student Subtest Download

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Student: S, Assessment: A, Subtest: T, Courses: C – Student is underclaimed for this subtest. Check primary instructor values on the Master Schedule screen.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule

Primary Staff (Instructional Responsibility), Secondary Staff (Instructional Responsibility)

Ensure that the staff members involved with the course have appropriate responsibility values for the date ranges entered. Also check the Student Linking page if there are individual push-in/pull-out values for this student.

Student: S, Assessment: A, Subtest: T, Courses: C – Student is overclaimed for this subtest. Check primary instructor values on the Master Schedule screen.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule

Primary Staff (Instructional Responsibility), Secondary Staff (Instructional Responsibility)

Ensure that the staff members involved with the course have appropriate responsibility values for the date ranges entered. Also check the Student Linking screen if there are individual push-in/pull-out values for this student.

Student S, Staff T, Course C, Section SC :Missing state report ID for the student; record skipped.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal


The state reporting ID for the student is not populated. Enter or generate one.

Student S, Staff T, Course C, Section SC :Missing state report ID for the staff; record skipped.

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Staff

State Staff ID

The state staff ID is missing for the staff member listed in the course. This must be entered in order for the record to be created.

Student S, Staff T, Course C, Section SC :District Code not Present or is > 9 characters; record skipped.

Administration > General Setup > District > District

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for your district is not populated or is longer than 9 characters in length.

Student S, Staff T, Course C, Section SC :Invalid instructional responsibility weight (must be greater than zero); record skipped.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule

Primary Staff (Instructional Responsibility), Secondary Staff (Instructional Responsibility)

Ensure that the staff members involved with the course have appropriate responsibility values for the date ranges entered and that there are no negative values entered.

Student S, Staff T, Course C, Section SC :Instructional relationship weight is zero.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule

Primary Staff (Start Date, End Date, Instructional Relationship Weight Override), Secondary Staff (Start Date, End Date, Instructional Relationship Weight Override)

Ensure that the staff members involved with the course have appropriate date ranges that are long enough to consider a student eligible for at least 1% of the course time. Also ensure that the relationship override field does not contain a 0 or a negative value.

Student S, Staff T, Course C, Section SC :Instructional Responsibility Weight IR is greater than 100; record skipped.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule

Primary Staff (Instructional Responsibility), Secondary Staff (Instructional Responsibility)

Ensure that the staff members involved with the course have appropriate responsibility values for the date ranges entered and that there are no values that exceed 100.

Student S, Staff T, Course C, Section SC :State Code for Building not present or length > 4 for building B

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for building B is not populated or contains more than 4 characters. Enter the state equivalency code or correct its length.

Student S, Staff T, Course C, Section SC :State Code for Building B must be numeric. Current value is: L

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for building B is not formatted properly and contains non-numeric characters. Update the field to contain only numeric characters.

Student S, Staff T, Course C, Section SC :No state Reporting ID found for Staff S; record skipped.

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Staff

State Staff ID

The state staff ID is missing for the staff member listed in the course. This must be entered in order for the record to be created.

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