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Special Education Snapshot Download

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Field Name(s)

Resolution Steps

No State District number found. Record not created.

Administration > General Setup > District > District

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for your district is not populated.

No State ID for student: S. Special Ed Snapshot Record not created.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal


The state reporting ID for the student is not populated. Enter or generate one.

No state code equivalent for building B for student S. Special Ed Snapshot Record not created.

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for building B is not populated. Enter the state equivalency code.

No Staff Name provided for student: S. Special Ed Snapshot Record not created.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > SEIEP - Special Ed IEP Data

Spec Ed Staff Name

The Spec Ed Staff Name field must be populated for any student that would be processed in the Special Ed Snapshot download.

No primary disability provided for student: S. Special Ed Snapshot Record not created.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Emergency > Disability panel

Start Date, Disability Code, Disability Order / Priority, End Date

A disability must be entered for the student that is within the start and end dates of the download and has an order/priority of 1.

No service provider AUN for student: S. Special Ed Snapshot Record not created.

Administration > General Setup > District > District

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for your district is not populated.

No service location for student: S. Special Ed Snapshot Record not created.

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for the student's most recent entry/withdrawal building is not populated. Enter the state equivalency code.

No exit reason for student: S who exited Special Ed. Record not created.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > SPEC - Special Education

Withdrawal Reason

If a student has exited Special Education, they need to have a withdrawal reason entered.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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