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Special Education Collection

This section describes processing for the Special Education collections




Special Ed Snapshot (Submission D)

This collection is submitted in December. It includes all special education students with a valid IEP as of 12/1 of the current school year.

Upload is limited to Special Ed students only (Field 38, where the valid value is 'Y - has IEP'.

Special Ed - EOY (Submissions S)

This collection is submitted in July. It includes all students receiving special education services from July 1 through June 30 who exited during the school year. They must be included in the special ed templates.

Upload is limited to Special Ed students only, and only those who exited during the current school year as of June 30 (Field 38, where the valid value is 'E - exited IEP < 2 years'. Also include students with a Special Ed Exit Reason of '06 - Moved out of Pennsylvania, known to be continuing'.

Special Ed - EOY Requirements

The July submission must include special ed students who exited between 7/1 and 6/30. This includes students who exited over the summer. Verify the correct dates are entered on the Submission Periods List validation table for the Special Ed - EOY (S) Submission.

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