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School Calendar Download

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No State District number found. CTE Student Credential Records not created.

Administration > General Setup > District > District

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for your district is not populated.

No Calendar Description found for CalendarID: C

Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > PIMS Calendar

Calendar Description

The calendar must have a description entered.

Act 80 group cannot be blank when total days in session lost due to act 80 field has value – D : C

Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > PIMS Calendar

ACT 80 Days, ACT 80 GROUP

If the ACT 80 Days field has a value greater than zero, the ACT 80 GROUP field cannot be blank.

Inconsistent calendar start dates between calendars with state code S.

Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar

First Day of School

Multiple calendars that are mapped to the same state code equivalent have different entries for the First Day of School field. Either align the first days of school for these calendars or choose different state code equivalents for them.

Inconsistent calendar end dates between calendars with state code S.

Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar

Last Day of School

Multiple calendars that are mapped to the same state code equivalent have different entries for the Last Day of School field. Either align the last days of school for these calendars or choose different state code equivalents for them.

Inconsistent instruction start dates between calendars with state code S.

Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar > View Detail


Multiple calendars that are mapped to the same state code equivalent have different entries for the first active calendar day. Either align the first calendar days or choose different state code equivalents for the calendars.

Inconsistent instruction end dates between calendars with state code S.

Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar > View Detail


Multiple calendars that are mapped to the same state code equivalent have different entries for the last active calendar day. Either align the last calendar days or choose different state code equivalents for the calendars.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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