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Registration Setup

On this page:

The following sections cover state reporting setup related to the Registration package.

Registration Validation Tables

Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables


Database Table Name




Populate State Code Equivs with:

  • 1 – American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • 3 – Black /African American (not Hispanic)
  • 5 – White/Caucasian (not Hispanic)
  • 6 – Multi-Racial
  • 9 – Asian
  • 10 – Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander



Populate State Code Equiv with values from PIMS Manual Volume 2

Meal Status


Populate State Code Equiv with values from PIMS Manual Volume 2



G = General, A = Academic or College Prep, V = Vocational/Technical, E = Exceptional (use if others don't apply)



Populate State Code Equiv with values from PIMS Manual Volume 2



Populate State Code Equiv with values from PIMS Manual Volume 2 



Populate State Code Equiv with values from PIMS Manual Volume 2 

Entry Codes


Populate State Code Equiv with values from PIMS Manual Volume 2 

Withdrawal Codes


Populate State Code Equiv with values from PIMS Manual Volume 2 

Diploma Type


Populate State Code Equiv with values from PIMS Manual Volume 2.  Values populated by PowerSchool.



Populate State Code Equiv with values from PIMS Manual Volume 2.  Values populated by PowerSchool. 

State Building of Residence


Populate State Code Equiv with values for the state building of residence


Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Grades

Populate State Code Equiv with PKA, PKP or PKF for pre‐kindergarten; K4A, K4P, K4F for the first year of a two year kindergarten program and K5A, K5P, K5F for the second year of a two year kindergarten program or for all kindergarteners when you offer only one year; 001‐012 for Grade 1‐12, EUG for Elementary Ungraded and SUG for Secondary Ungraded. 

Building Configuration

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition 

  • Districts with non-public buildings must identify those buildings on the Building Definition page with a Building Type of 'NP' in order for the SHARRS Medical Report to function as designed. All exam and other medical-related counts for students enrolled in NP buildings will be reported in the Private columns on the SHARRS Report.  Counts for students in any buildings NOT identified with a building type of 'NP' will be included in the Public column tallies.
  • On the Building Definition, the State Equivalency Code must have the school code assigned by the State of Pennsylvania for every building/school that should be reported to the State.


Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar
In order to link your Calendars to the PIMS Calendar for the Child Accounting submission, you must enter a State Code Equiv for each calendar that you are reporting to the State.

Marking Periods

Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Marking Periods

For the Staff Student Subtest file to download, you must enter values for the State Code Equiv fields. Refer to Appendix O of the PIMS Manual Volume 2 for a list of the state code equivalent values.

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