Menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs
Take special care to make sure that if you have a student with a program vector for Residency (RES program) mapping to a State Code Equiv other than A that the student has program vectors in the RESD and FUND programs with matching dates.
The PAWGT program is used in the 4062 Report and the PIMS Student Calendar template. If a student has a program value in the date range for which you are running the 4062 report, the percentage will be used to determine the values in the AVTS (Area Vocational Technical School) and AVTS Home columns. It will also be used in the PIMS Student Calendar template to calculate the Percent of Time Enrolled. The max weighting that can be assigned is 1.00.
How the Percentage Data is Used in the PIMS Student Calendar File
If you have a student with an entry/withdrawal vector from 9/1/2016 - 12/1/2016 and the student attended part-time from 10/1/2016 to 11/1/2016 (value of 0.5 in the Value field on the Programs page as seen below—Program ID PAWGT), then the calculation of the value for the Percent of Time Enrolled in Calendar field will be as follows.
The default membership of the student's calendar for the Entry/Withdrawal vector is 1.0. Assume that the total membership days for the date ranges are:
- 9/1 to 9/30: 22 days
- 10/1 to 11/1: 25 days
- 11/2 to 12/1: 20 days
Then the value for the Percent of Time Enrolled in Calendar field would be 81:
Weighted Days Membership / Total Days Membership or (22 * 1.0 + 25 * 0.5 + 20 * 1.0 )/ ( 22 + 25 + 20) = 0.81 * 100
The maximum weighting allowed is 1.00.