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PrimeroEdge Upload

This section describes the setups and processing required to run the PrimeroEdge file to determine meal status for students. These files are used for the PrimeroEdge Student Eligibility System (PSES).

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, choose Pennsylvania submenu, choose Utilities, and then select PrimeroEdge Upload.

PrimeroEdge Setup

Before running the PrimeroEdge utility, you must create the download files for the PrimeroEdge Student Eligibility System (PSES). There are 2 download files associated with PSES:

  • Student Information System File
  • District Student Eligibility File

Download Definitions

Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, choose Utilities submenu, choose Download & Upload, and then select Upload/Download Definition.

The following download definitions are available for the two downloaded files:

  • SEFD - Student Eligibility Download File
  • DSEF - District Student Eligibility File

Using the Download & Upload Utility

Use this option to create the download files.

  1. Go to Administration from the main menu, choose Utilities submenu, choose Download & Upload, and then select Run Download.
  2. In the Interface ID drop-down menu, select the appropriate download definition:
    • SEFD
    • DSEF
  3. Enter the Start Date.
  4. Click Run.
  5. Select the User's Report Directory as the Import Directory.
  6. This will create the following text files on the Task/Reports menu:
    • Student Eligibility File - "student.txt"
    • District Student Eligibility File - "<DistrictName>_eligibility.txt"

Run PrimeroEdge Upload

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, choose Pennsylvania submenu, choose Utilities, and then select PrimeroEdge Upload.

Use this option after creating the download files from the Download & Upload utility.

Upload Definition

Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, choose Utilities submenu, choose Download & Upload, and then select Upload/Download Definition.

Use the PAPRU - PA PrimeroEdge Upload definition for the upload. The default file name in eSchoolPlus is PrimeroEdge.txt

Using the PrimeroEdge Upload

  1. Go to Regulatory from the main menu, choose Pennsylvania submenu, choose Utilities, and then select PrimeroEdge Upload.
  2. Select the Run Mode:
    • Verify upload data without updating database
    • Run upload, updating the database
  3. Select the Import Directory:
    • User's Report Directory
    • Specify another directory
  4. Click Run.

Student Information File Mapping

Field Name


Where in eSchoolPlus?

State Student ID

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Personal: State Report ID (reg_personal.state_report_id)

Local ID

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Registration: ID (reg.student_id)


Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Personal: Social Security Number (reg_personal.ssn)


Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Entry/Withdrawal: Grade (reg_entry_with.grade using reg_grade.state_code_equiv)


Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Registration: Gender (reg.gender)

Birth Date

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Registration: Birthdate (reg.birthdate)

District Code

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Programs: Program with State Code Equiv = 'DISTRES' or Administration, General Setup, District, District, Preferences panel, Other section: State Equivalency Code where Validation-Only District = N (reg_programs.program_value where state_code_equiv = 'DISTRES' converted to reg_district.state_equiv_code or reg_district.state_equiv_code where validation_only = N)

First Name

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Registration: First Name (reg.firstname)

Middle Name

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Registration: Middle Name (reg.middle_name)

Last Name

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Registration: Last Name (reg.last_name)

School Code

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Entry/Withdrawal: Building (reg_entry_with.building  using reg_building.state_code_equiv)


Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Registration: Primary Homeroom


Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Addresses

Address Line 1

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Addresses

Address Line 2

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Addresses


Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Addresses


Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Addresses


Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Addresses


Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Personal: Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity or Race field (reg_personal.hispanic or reg_ethnicity.state_code_equiv)


Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Personal: Race

Guardian First Name

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Contacts: First Name

Guardian Last Name

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Contacts: Last Name

Guardian Email

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Contacts, Email and Login panel: Email Address

Guardian Work Phone

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Contacts, Phone panel: Phone Number where Phone type = Work Phone

Guardian Home Phone

Registration, Entry & Reports, Student Demographic, Contacts, Phone panel: Phone Number where Phone type = Home Phone

Special Instructions

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