PIMS Transitional IEP Data
Menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS Transitional IEP Data
Fields | Description |
Transitional IEP? | Selected if the student has a transition plan as part of the IEP. |
Paid Work Based Learning? | Selected if the IEP contains new services that support work-based learning experiences in a competitive (at least minimum wage) integrated setting. |
Job Supports/Coaching? | Selected if the IEP contains services that include job supports or coaching. |
Career Dev/Job Exploration? | Selected if the IEP contains services that include career development and job exploration. |
Modified? | Selected if the transition IEP has been modified to include services that support paid work-based learning experiences in a competitive (at least minimum wage) integrated setting. |
Comp Int Paid Work Exp | Selected if the student participated in a competitive integrated paid work experience. |
Job Coaching | Selected if the student participated in individual job coaching services funded by the school in a paid work experience. |
Comp Int Employment Goal | Selected if the student has an outcome goal of competitive integrated employment. |
Comp Int Employment | Selected if the student is employed in a competitive integrated setting after exiting high school. |
The IEP checkbox must be selected in the Special Education Summary tab of the Personal page to add details in the PIMS Transitional IEP Data page.
The Comp Int Paid Work Exp, Job Coaching, Comp Int Employment Goal, and Comp Int Employment field values will be retrieved in the PIMS Download, PIMS Extract, Student Download Search, and Student Download Summary pages.