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PIMS (PIMS Student Data)

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select PIMS.

Information that is required by the State of Pennsylvania and not stored in baseline eSchoolPlus can be found on this page.

Guardian Relationship

If applicable, select the student's guardian relationship.

PIMS Student/Student Snapshot

Graduation Status

Program-tracked field. If a student has dropped out or graduated, select the appropriate code here.

  • The Start Date for a Graduation Status program record should be the same as the student's Withdrawal Date, whether for graduation, transfer out of district, or dropping out of school. Leave the record open unless the student returns to your district.
  • If the student returns to your district, close the open Graduation Status program record using an End Date the day before the student reenters.

PIMS Student/Student Snapshot

Foreign Exchange

Select if the student is a foreign exchange student.

PIMS Student/Student Snapshot

Single Parent

Select if the student is a single parent.

PIMS Student/Student Snapshot

Birth Date VerificationNo longer collected.
Out of Workforce Individual

Select if the student is an out of workforce individual.

PIMS Student/Student Snapshot

FIPS County

Select the County of the student's home address. 

PIMS Student/Student Snapshot

Econ. Disadv. Status OverrideSelect to set override for student as Economically Disadvantaged.
School Entry Date Override

If the calculation of School Entry Date will not be correct for a student, enter the School Entry Date here. For information on the School Entry Date calculation, refer to the PIMS Student - Student Snapshot section of the Pennsylvania State Reporting File Layouts and eSchoolPlus Mapping document.

PIMS Student/Student Snapshot

District Entry Date Override

If the calculation of District Entry Date will not be correct for a student, enter the District Entry Date here. For information on the District Entry Date calculation, refer to the PIMS Student - Student Snapshot section of the Pennsylvania State Reporting File Layouts and eSchoolPlus Mapping document.

PIMS Student/Student Snapshot

LEP Start Date Override

Date used to override the student's LEP Participation program start date, if such an override is needed.

PIMS Student/Student Snapshot

PASA Test TakerSelect to identify the student as a PASA Test Taker which overrides the need for a Grade 9 Entry Date in the PIMS Student (STU) and Student Snapshot (SS) templates.
PSSA\Other (APC 1)

Program tracked field. Select the code from the Value field for any assessments in which the student is a participant. If code 'A' is marked for PASA, make sure the box is checked for PASA Test Taker above.

The vectors will be tracked for current year only. If the selected value is 'I', then no dates are necessary.

Repeater OverrideSelect the School Year (SY) to set the override if the student is a repeater.
Keystone Winter (APC2)Program tracked field. If applicable, select the subject for which the student is participating in Keystone Winter. Select 'Z' if the student is not participating.
Keystone Spring (APC3)Program tracked field. If applicable, select the subject for which the student is participating in Keystone Spring. Select 'Z' if the student is not participating.
Keystone Summer (APC4)Program tracked field. If applicable, select the subject for which the student is participating in Keystone Summer. Select 'Z' if the student is not participating.
Mark for Spec Ed Dwn ExlusionNo longer used in download processing code. Field can be used to identify students to be excluded from the download by means of the user filter.
SE Category Set Code

Program-tracked field. Select which Special Education ACT 16 Funds category applies to services provided to this student, if applicable.

Student Fact Template

Mobility Code

Program-tracked field. Select the Student Mobility added to the Student Template and Transfer Info pages with the following values:

  • A - No Show or Drop Out - student who was never educated by this LEA in the reporting SY
  • B - Summer Transfer - student who was never educated by this LEA in the reporting SY
  • C - Other - student who was never educated by this LEA during the reporting SY
Access to EL (APC5)Program-tracked field. If the student participates in an EL assessment, select the appropriate code.
First Year ExemptSelected if the student has been enrolled in U.S. school for 12 months or less and should be exempt from EL assessment.
Foster StudentProgram-tracked field. Select to indicate if the student is in foster care.
Special Ed Referral Override

Selected to override the Student and Student Snapshot downloads calculated value for the Special Ed Referral.

  • If the Special Ed Referral Override is set to Y, the Special Ed Referral should download as Y regardless of Special Ed program value or ENRD program value in the Student and Student Snapshot download. In Student Enrollment download, no student data record should be generated.
  • If the Special Ed Referral Override is set to N, the Special Ed Referral should download as N regardless of Special Ed program value or ENRD program value in the Student and Student Snapshot download. In Student Enrollment download, data should be generated.

PIMS Student/Student Snapshot/Student Enrollment

Adult Affidavit Program

Program-tracked field. Select if the student is being on an Adult Affidavit Program (AAP), which results in the Homeless, Migrant, and Foster fields of the Student and Student Snapshot templates getting populated with valid values Y and N.

PIMS Student/Student Snapshot

Program-tracked field. Select if the student has opted for the hybrid mode of instruction.
Program-tracked field. Select if the student has opted for the full-time virtual or remote mode of instruction.

Additional Information

The Student Snapshot template contains the same information as the Student Template, with the addition of a Snapshot Date (field 83). 

The Student submission will decide the District Entry Date and School Entry Date as follows:

  • District entry date will be assigned in the order of priority:

    • Use the value in the District Entry Date Override field on the PIMS page (menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select PIMS). Otherwise, use the District Enrollment Date populated during registration.

    • Review all the Entry/Withdrawal records for the student with entry codes that have a State Code Equiv value of E2, E3, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, and R8 (in the PATB_ENTRY_OLD table). Use the entry date from the record that has the latest entry date. If there are no records with these codes, use the entry date from the Entry/Withdrawal record for the student with any code and the earliest entry date.

  • School Entry date will be assigned in the order of priority:

    • Use the value in the School Entry Date Override field on the PIMS page (menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select PIMS).

    • Otherwise, review all the Entry/Withdrawal records for the student with entry codes that have a State Code Equiv value of E2, E3, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, and R8 (in the PATB_ENTRY_OLD table). Use the entry date from the record that has the latest entry date. If there are no records with these codes, use the entry date from the Entry/Withdrawal record for the student with any code and the earliest entry date.
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