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PIMS Graduation Pathways

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select PIMS Graduation Pathways.

A student’s highest Keystone Scores and a calculated composite score record can be viewed to track their progress on this page. Also, has an override option that can be saved to consider an extenuating circumstance for which a waiver may be granted to students in the graduating classes.

Graduation YearThis is linked to the Graduation Year field (display only) from the Academic page.
Date Entered Grade 9This is linked to the Date Entered Grade 9 field (display only) from the Registration page.
Student IEPThis is linked to the IEP Indicator field (display only) from the Personal page.
Graduating With IEP GoalsSelect if the student will be using IEP Goals for graduation.
WaiverSelect if the student has been granted a waiver from the Graduation Pathways requirement.
Keystone Proficiency Levels ReferenceDisplays the reference range of the Keystone Proficiency Levels.
Keystone ALG I Score

The highest Keystone Algebra I subject score of the student. If there is an override saved for the student, the override value is displayed. If there is no override and no subject score, a Null is displayed.

Proficiency LevelThe proficiency level of the Keystone Algebra I subject is displayed. Valid values are Basic, Pro, or Adv.
Keystone ALG I Score OverrideSelect to set the override for the student if applicable.
Keystone BIO Score

The highest Keystone Biology subject score of the student. If there is an override saved for the student, the override value is displayed. If there is no override and no subject score, a Null is displayed.

Proficiency LevelThe proficiency level of the Keystone Biology subject is displayed. Valid values are Basic, Pro, or Adv.
Keystone BIO Score OverrideSelect to set the override for the student if applicable.
Keystone LIT Score

The highest Keystone Literature subject score of the student. If there is an override saved for the student, the override value is displayed. If there is no override and no subject score, a Null is displayed.

Proficiency LevelThe proficiency level of the Keystone Literature subject is displayed. Valid values are Basic, Pro, or Adv.
Keystone LIT Score OverrideSelect to set the override for the student if applicable.
Keystone Composite Score

The Keystone Composite score from the sum of the 3 Keystone subject scores. If there are no subject scores, the Keystone Composite score will be blank.

PASA Grade 11 AlgebraThe highest PASA Grade 11 Algebra subject score of the student.
Keystone Equiv Algebra ScoreThe Keystone Equivalent Algebra Score for the PASA Grade 11 Algebra subject.
AlgebraSelect to set the student opt out if it is Algebra.
PASA Grade 11 BiologyThe highest PASA Grade 11 Biology subject score of the student.
Keystone Equiv Biology ScoreThe Keystone Equivalent Biology Score for the PASA Grade 11 Biology subject.
BiologySelect to set the student opt out if it is Biology.
PASA Grade 11 LiteratureThe highest PASA Grade 11 Literature subject score of the student.
Keystone Equiv Literature ScoreThe Keystone Equivalent Literature Score for the PASA Grade 11 Literature subject.
LiteratureSelect to set the student opt out if it is Literature.
Keystone Proficiency Pathway Status

The Keystone Proficiency Pathway status of the student. The valid value can be Pursuing, Not Pursuing, or Meets Requirement.

All Three Keystone Exam Scores are Proficient or aboveIf all three Keystone Exam Scores are higher than 1500, Yes will be displayed, otherwise, No will be displayed. This is calculated and cannot be modified.
Student will retake one or more Keystone examsSelect Yes or No depending on the status.
Keystone Composite Pathway StatusThe Keystone Composite Pathway status of the student. The valid value can be Pursuing, Not Pursuing, or Meets Requirement.
Composite Score is 4452 or higherIf composite score is 4452 or higher, Yes will be displayed, otherwise, No will be displayed. This is calculated and cannot be modified.
No Score is Below BasicIf none of the scores are below the BASIC min value, Yes will be displayed, otherwise, No will be displayed. This is calculated and cannot be modified. Use Keystone Proficiency Levels Reference chart to confirm, as the basic minimum differs for each subject.
At least one score is Proficient or AdvancedIf the score of a subject is above the proficiency level, Yes will be displayed, otherwise, No will be displayed. This is calculated and cannot be modified.
Student will retake one or more Keystone examsSelect Yes or No depending on the status.
CTE Concentrator PathwayThe CTE Concentrator Pathway status of the student. The valid value can be Pursuing, Not Pursuing, or Meets Requirement.
Alternative Assessment PathwayThe Alternative Assessment Pathway status of the student. The valid value can be Pursuing, Not Pursuing, or Meets Requirement.
Evidence Based PathwayThe Evidence Based Pathway status of the student. The valid value can be Pursuing, Not Pursuing, or Meets Requirement.

The “Student will retake one or more Keystone exams” options are independent of each other.

Additional Information

The Registration Mass Update page allows filtering and updating of Graduation Pathway data. It will not insert new records in the pathway data table.

The Student Advanced Search page allows filtering of students based on the Graduation Pathway data in the search results using the list field selection.

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