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PA Career Standards Benchmarks

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PA Career Standards Benchmarks

This page is used to report Career Standards Benchmarks for the Student Fact Template.

The following criteria are provided by the state in determining benchmarks:

  • For Grade 5, the student has produced six or more pieces of evidence, or at least two pieces of evidence accumulated by the end of grade 3, and at least two pieces of evidence each year in grade 4 and grade 5. Evidence shall be collected in a manner that validates that all four strands of the Career Education and Work Standards (CEW) standards have been meaningfully addressed.
  • For Grade 8, the student has a career portfolio containing the K-5 grade band evidence and an additional six pieces of evidence, or at least two pieces of additional evidence in each of the following: grade 6, grade 7, grade 8. Evidence shall be collected in a manner that validates that all four strands of the CEW standards have been meaningfully addressed. One of the pieces of evidence for the 6-8 grade band must be the student's individualized career plan.
  • For Grade 11, the student has a career portfolio containing both the K-5 and 6-8 grade band evidence, and an additional eight pieces of evidence, or at least two pieces of evidence each year, collected in the 9-11 grade band that validates all four strands of the CEW standards have been meaningfully addressed. At least two of these pieces of evidence for the 9-11 grade band must demonstrate implementation of the student's individualized career plan.
Met 5th Grade BenchmarksChecked if the student meets 5th grade benchmarks.
Met 8th Grade BenchmarksChecked if the student meets 8th grade benchmarks.
Met 11th Grade Benchmarks

Checked if the student meets 11th grade benchmarks.

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