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No-Show Student Entry

For No-Show students to be excluded from PIMS reporting in the Staff Student Subtest file, you must Clear (delete) their schedules. Do NOT drop them. 

Otherwise, school districts handle entry/withdrawal records for no-show students in a variety of ways, all of which are effective. Following are examples currently implemented successfully by PA districts:

  • Do not open an entry/withdrawal record in the current year for the no-show student.
  • Open a current year entry/withdrawal record for the student, then close the record using a Withdrawal Code that you set up to handle no-shows (for instance, NOSHO). Make sure this code does not have a State Code Equiv in the Withdrawals validation table. When you run the PIMS Download, add a filter row to exclude students with the withdrawal code:
    • (Area: Entry/Withdrawal  Field Name: Withdrawal Code  Condition: <> (is not equal to) Value: NOSHO).
  • Open a current year entry/withdrawal record for the student, and assign the student to a calendar set up with zero (0) membership days. You might give the calendar setup a code of N. When you run the PIMS Download, add a filter row to exclude this calendar:
    • (Area: Entry/Withdrawal  Field Name: Calendar  Condition: <> (is not equal to) Value: N). The advantage to this method is that the student does not get membership days.
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