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February 2022 Major Maintenance Release

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • ESP_20.4.43.0
  • ESP_21.4.20.0



Release Note

ESP-70808Run OCR Reports

Updated the Student Retention counts to include students who were not enrolled in the building on the Entry/Withdrawal Date to Sample Enrollment.

ESP-70350Student Linking

Updated the Student Staff Course Linking page for Students with multiple entry withdrawal records only to have one blank row per Teacher and no duplicate rows. All fields will be accessible on the extra blank row and not grayed out.

ESP-70126PIMS Download

Updated the Staff Student Subtest download to process Virtual Academies for the location field.

ESP-69643PIMS Download

Added Virtual Academy processing to the CTE Student Industry Credential download.

CTE Student Industry Credential download determines the location value as follows:

  • If the building is not a virtual academy, report the building state code (the current location value).
  • If the building is a virtual academy, check the student's SBRES program. If there is a value, report the SBRES program value as location.
  • If the building is a virtual academy, and the student does not have an SBRES program value, report the building state code.
ESP-69642PIMS Download

Updated the CTE Student Fact download to handle virtual buildings.

CTE Student Fact download determines the location value based on the following:

  • If the building is not a virtual academy, report the building state code (the current location value).
  • If the building is a virtual academy, check the student's SBRES program. If there is a value, report the SBRES program value as location.
  • If the building is a virtual academy and the student does not have an SBRES program value, report the building state code.

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