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Discipline Person

Field #Field NameRequired?Field LengtheSchoolPLUS table.columnValidation TableWhere in eSchoolPlus?
1Submitting AUNR9reg_district.state_equiv_codereg_districtAdministration > General Setup > District > District > Preferences panel > Other panel: State Code Equivalent
2Person IDR disc_offender.person_id Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail: Offender (Student ID or Non-Student ID)
3School Year DateR10  Prompted value
4Person AUNCR9disc_user 100 Type O field 1  Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail > click Detail icon for Offender or Victim: Person District Code
5PASECUREIDCR reg.student_id If Offender is a student, this field will contain his/her student id
6Local Person IDO disc_offender.person_id Interventions > All > Office > Incident Detail: Offender (Student ID or Non-Student ID)
7Fist NameCR30reg.first_name Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel: First Name
8Last NameCR30reg.last_name Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel: Last Name
9Race/EthnicityCR1reg_personal.ethnic_code using regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equivregtb_ethnicityRegistration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal: Race
10GenderCR1reg.gender Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration > Student panel: Gender
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