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CTE Student Download

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District Code not Present or is > 9 characters; No data will be processed.

Administration > General Setup > District > District

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for your district is not populated or has a length greater than 9 characters. Enter the state equivalency code or correct its length.

State ID is blank or > 10 characters for Student S in Building B.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal


The state reporting ID for the student is not 10 characters in length or is missing.

State Code for Building not present or length > 4 for building B

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for building B is not populated or its length is greater than 4 characters. Enter the state equivalency code or adjust its length.

State Code for Building B must be numeric. Current value is: S

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for building B is not formatted properly and contains non-numeric characters. Update the field to contain only numeric characters.

No CIP Code found for Student S on PIMS CTE Student screen.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS CTE Student

CIP Code

Enter a valid CIP code for student S.

No Delivery Method found for Student S on PIMS CTE Student screen.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS CTE Student

Delivery Method

Enter a valid Delivery Method for student S.

No CTE Status Type found for Student S on PIMS CTE Student screen.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS CTE Student

CTE Status Type

Enter a valid CTE Status Type for student S.

No Program Performance Code found for Student S on PIMS CTE Student screen. Value is required for AAP students

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS CTE Student

CTE Program Performance Code

Enter a valid CTE program performance code for student S. This is only required for AAP students but the warning will appear for any CTE students who are missing the field value.

There is no valid grade code for student S A value of N/A will be inserted in POS Task Indicator field.

Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Grades

State Equivalency Code

The state code equivalent for the student's grade is not populated. The default value of N/A will be used unless one is entered.

Grade 12 Student ID S has no value set for POS task list completion indicator. Value will be defaulted to N.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS CTE Student

POS Task List Complete

Enter a valid POS Task List indicator value for Student S. If no value is selected, the indicator will be defaulted to N.

Grade 12 Student ID S has value N/A for POS task list completion indicator. Valid values are Y or N.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS CTE Student

POS Task List Complete

This error appears when "N/A" is chosen for a 12th grade student's POS Task List Complete field. Only "Y" and "N" are acceptable values in this instance.

Grade G Student ID S has value P for POS task list completion indicator. Only N/A is a valid value for students who are not in grade 12. Value has been reported as N/A in the CTE Student file.

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > PIMS CTE Student

POS Task List Complete

This error appears when "Y" or "N" is chosen for a student in a grade other than 12 for the POS Task List Complete field. Only "N/A" is an acceptable value in this instance.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.