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Course Download

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Course C in building B has inconsistent data between sections. Refer to the PIMS Course screen.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > PIMS Course

Honors, Req Grad, Dual Credit, Advanced Placement, Gifted, Intl Baccalaureate

One or more of the included fields has a value that differs from another section of the same course. Check through each section for course C in building B and insure that these flags match.

No state district number found. Course record not created.

Administration > General Setup > District > District

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for your district is not populated. Enter the state equivalency code.

No state building found for building B.

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for building B is not populated. Enter the state equivalency code.

State code for building B must be numeric. Current value is: S

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition

State Equivalency Code

The state equivalency code field for building B is not formatted properly and contains non-numeric characters. Update the field to contain only numeric characters.

No students enrolled in course C in building B. Record will be skipped in course download.

Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry or Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Catalog/Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Catalog

Building, Course-Section
State Course

There are currently no students enrolled for course C in building B. Use the scheduling entry screen to add students to this course if you want it to be reported. Alternatively, you may need to remove the state code from the course catalog to prevent this course from being reported.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.