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Assessment Participation Code (APC) Utility

Regulatory > Pennsylvania > Utilities > Assessment Participation Code Utility

This utility mass updates student APC Programs (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Programs > APC - Assessment Participation Code) with values determined by course enrollment.

The utility assesses active courses for students under 3 categories:

  • Algebra
  • Biology
  • Literature

The following codes are assigned to the student APC Program based on enrollment in the above categories:

  • A = Algebra only
  • B = Literature only
  • C = Biology only
  • D = Algebra and Literature
  • E = Algebra, Biology, and Literature
  • F = Literature and Biology
  • G = Algebra and Biology

NOTE: The above codes are no longer reported for PIMS. The APC Utility will assign these codes, but the values will be reported as 'Y' when running the PIMS Extract.

Record Management

Check the boxes for the for processing the records.

  • Update Existing Records
  • Create New Records
Student Program Information

Select one of the Program Start Date options:

  • Use the first date of the first marking period in the student's building
  • Use this date
Keystone Exams to Add/Update

Check the boxes for the exams you wish to process:

  • Winter Keystones (APC 2)
  • Spring Keystones (APC 3)
  • Summer Keystones (APC 4)

Click Run to process the records.

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