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Upload Definitions for USID Upload

Administration > Utilities > Download & Upload > Upload/Download Definition
PowerSchool provides you with two pre-defined Upload Definitions specifically for use when uploading USIDs from an ODE file. The definitions are coded and named as follows:

  • USIDF – OR USID/Financials Employee Number for Staff State ID Upload
  • USIDS – OR USID/Staff ID for Staff State ID Upload

The definitions differ only in terms of how each one compares data in eSchoolPlus to the records in your state USID.csv file. The USIDF definition uses the Financials Employee Number from the Staff Information page, Registration Center. The USIDS definition uses the locally-defined Staff ID.

The following sections take a closer look at the Upload Definition setups.

Interface Header Setup – USID Header ID

Administration > Utilities > Download & Upload > Upload/Download Definition, then click Description link for either USIDF or USIDS Interface ID
In your Upload Definitions, you can have multiple Header IDs. Each Header ID identifies a group of fields the master Upload Definition updates when run. The USIDF and USIDS definitions both have two Header IDs. The first one, USID, defines how the upload populates the database table or_usid_download. eSchoolPlus uses this table to populate fields in the Staff Assignment collection.

Aside from the Interface ID, the USID Header ID setup matches for the USIDF and USIDS upload definitions:

Interface Header Setup – STFID Header ID

Utilities > Upload/Download > Setup > Upload Definition > click Description link for either USIDF or USIDS Interface ID > click STFID link in Interface Headers section
In your Upload Definitions, you can have multiple Header IDs. Each Header ID identifies a group of fields the master Upload Definition updates when run. The USIDF and USIDS definitions both have two Header IDs. The second one, STFID, defines how the upload returns data for the reg_staff table. This information shows on the main Staff Information page, and it includes the USID which loads into the Staff State ID field.

On the Interface Headers panel, expand the header ID to display fields and then expand Interface Details to view or edit interface details.

Aside from the Interface ID, the USID Header ID setup matches for the USIDF and USIDS upload definitions. We will look at the one difference between the upload definitions in the next section, regarding the Interface Detail for the STAFF Field ID that is part of the STFID Header ID setup.

Interface Detail Setup – STFID Header ID – STAFF Field ID

Administration > Utilities > Download & Upload > Upload/Download Definition, then click the Description link for either the 's USIDF or USIDS Interface ID

  1. In the Interface Headers panel, expand the STFID – OR Staff Upload section.
  2. Expand the Interface Details section.
  3. Click the pencil icon in the Edit field of the row whose Field ID is STAFF to view or change details.

The USIDF and USIDS upload definitions differ in the way each uses data from the reg_staff table to return the correct record to update with the USID. The USIDF definition uses Financials Employee Number as it is stored on the Staff District Information page. The USIDS definition uses the locally-defined Staff ID.

The illustrations that follow show setup for the STAFF Field ID in the STFID Header ID. First, here is the Field ID setup within the USIDF upload definition. Look at the last three fields, in particular.

Interface ID Description link from Upload/Download Definition search page: OR USID/ Financials Employee Number for Staff State ID Upload

Interface Headers section title: STFID - OR Staff Upload

From the Interface Details section:

  • Order: 4
  • Field ID: STAFF
  • Table Name: reg_staff
  • Column Name: STAFF_ID
  • Field Length: 10

Click the row's pencil icon in the Edit column to display:

  • External Table: reg_staff
  • External Column In: FMS_EMPL_NUMBER
  • External Column Out: STAFF_ID

Interface ID Description link from Upload/Download Definition search page: OR USID/ Staff ID for Staff State ID Upload

Interface Headers section title: USID - OR USID Upload

From the Interface Details section:

  • Order: 4
  • Field ID: STAFF
  • Table Name: or_usid_download
  • Column Name: STAFF_ID
  • Field Length: 10

Click the row's pencil icon in the Edit column to display:

  • External Table: (no selection)
  • External Column In: (inaccessible)
  • External Column Out: (inaccessible)
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