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Test Scores Setup

Test Score Mass Update

Registration > Utilities > Tools > Mass Update by Test Score 

Use this utility to mass update student records for students who meet the test score criteria you identify. The Score Value field lets you identify the range of test score values to be updated. The utility will then limit mass update processing to include only students who meet the test score value requirement you define. For the selected students, the utility then updates student information for the page and field value you indicate.

To mass update students' records based on test score value:

  1. On the Test Score Mass Update Search page, enter the desired search criteria, and click Search.
  2. On the Test Score Mass Update page, scroll to the list of students below the data entry fields. Verify that the correct students were selected.
  3. To remove students from the list, check the Remove box, and click Remove.
  4. In the top section, the Select Option field defaults to Passed Score. Select the test, subtest, and score to use as the basis for processing. Then use the Acceptable Score Pass Values field to determine how the utility identifies a passing score, for example > 70 to indicate the score must be higher than 70 for the utility to update the student record.
  5. In the Page Selection section, select the option based on the type of district-defined page you need to update for students.
  6. In the Update Values section, select the area, the field name, and enter the value that you want to mass update for student records. If you selected a field that is program tracked, the Program Tracking Information column is displayed with an Edit link and a red icon. Click the Edit link, and define how the utility will close existing program vectors and open new ones for the program-tracked field you are updating.
  7. Click Update to mass update the student records with the value you entered.
  8. Check the Test Score Information Mass Update Information Statistics log. 



Select Option

Based on students meeting an Acceptable Score Pass Value for the test, the utility then updates the student records according to your selections in the Update Values section.

Test - Level

A combination of Test, Level, Form, Subtest, and Scores must be entered as follows: 

  • Enter the test code. The other text boxes in that row will be accessible.
  • Enter the test Level and Form for the test code you entered or select the Level and the Form code from the table list. 
  • Select the Subtest code for the test code you entered.
  • Select the Subtest scores code for the test code you entered.

Acceptable Score Pass Value

Acceptable Score Pass Value is a test value range that you can set to determine the students for mass updating their records.

In the Acceptable Score Pass Value field, you can:

  • Select the range for the Acceptable Score Pass Value you set. For example, = (Is equal to), or > (greater than)
  • Enter the Acceptable Score Pass Value you want to use to determine the student to update their records.

Page Selection

Use one of the following options:

  • Single Row Page: Use this option to update a student district-defined page where one record displays on-page at a time. For example, when you access the OR Special Education page, you are viewing and updating a single database record for the student.
  • Multiple Row Page: Use this option to update a student district-defined page where multiple records display on-page at a time. For example, when you access the OR Assessment page, you can view and update multiple database records for the student. When you select the Multiple Row Page option, the Filter Section For Multiple Row Page is displayed.
  • Base Table: Use this option to update values for base pages such as Demographic, Contacts, Academic, Emergency, and Personal.

Update Values

Use the following options for updating values:

  • Area: Select the area for which you want to update the values.
  • Field Name: Select the field name for which you want to update the value.
  • New Value: Enter the value that you want to update for the field.
  • Program Tracking Information: If you selected a field that is program tracked, the Program Tracking Information column is displayed with an Edit link and a red icon. Click the Edit link. In the Program Tracking Field Update window, define how the utility should close existing program vectors and open new ones for the program-tracked field you selected. After you update the Program Tracking information, the red icon changes to green. When you move the mouse pointer over the green icon, a tooltip displays the information you entered in the Program Tracking Field Update pop-up window.
  • Remove: Check the Remove box and click the Remove Value button to remove the value from the list.

Click the New Value button to add more rows to update values.  

Filter Section For Multiple Row Page

This section is displayed only when you select the Multiple Row Page option. You can use this section to filter multiple fields that you want to update with new values.

  • Area: Select the area for which you want to update the value.
  • Field Name: Select the field name for which you want to update the value.
  • Existing Value: Enter the existing value of the field.
  • Remove: Check the Remove box and click the Remove Value button to remove the row from the list.

To add a new row of filter criteria, click the New Value button.

Schedule Mass Update

Now: Select this option to mass update the students records now. The system mass updates the student's records for students who meet the acceptable pass score value criteria that you set.

Once: Select this option to schedule mass update of students records at a later time and date. You must enter:

  • Time: Enter the time you want to schedule the mass update.
  • Date: Enter the date you want to schedule the mass update.

The system mass updates the student's records for students who meet the acceptable pass score value criteria that you set.

Records To Be Updated

This section displays the list of students whose records have to be updated based on the value you entered as search criteria.

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