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September 2024 Major Maintenance Release

This change has been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_24.9.0.0



Release Note

ESP-95028OR Student Download

Renamed American Indian Tribal Membership Code to Tribal Affiliation Code on the OR Demographics district-defined page and updated the extract header accordingly.

ESP-97253OR Class Schedule Info

Renamed Class Roster Download to Class Schedule Download and removed SchlSectID, SchlCrsID, CrsBeginDtTxt, DistStdntID, StdntSSNm, StdntBirthDtTxt, StdntGndr, EmplyrStaffID, StfSSN, StfBirthDtTxt, StfGndr, LoGrdCd, and HiGrdCd from the extract.

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