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Restraint and Seclusion Incidents File Layout

Following is the file layout and database mapping for the student discipline-level Restraint and Seclusion Incidents submission file created through the OR Student Download and OR Student Submission Files options.

Data Element Name

Field Length


Zero Padded

Download Table.Column

Download Table.Column

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Incident Identifier




Incident Detail > Incident panel: Incident ID

Incident Date




Incident Detail > Incident panel: Date

Restraint Flag


Report as Y if disc_off_action.action_code is the same as any value in state_ocr_dist_disc.disc_code where disc_code_id = PRSNT and code_or_subcode = C.


Report as Y if disc_off_subcode.offense_subcode is the same as any value in state_ocr_dist_disc.disc_code where disc_code_id = PRSNT and code_or_subcode = S.

Otherwise, report N.


For the Action Code, incident Detail > Offenders panel > click appropriate offender name > Offense Actions section: Action Code

For the offender's Category code, Incident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > General panel: Categories

For the OCR District Setup, Regulatory > Civil Rights Data Collection > Setup > OCR District Setup > Discipline panel: Physical Restraint Action Codes and Categories

Seclusion Flag1YN

Report as Y if disc_off_action.action_code is the same as any value in state_ocr_dist_disc.disc_code where disc_code_id = SECLN and code_or_subcode = C.


Report as Y if disc_off_subcode.offense_subcode is the same as any value in state_ocr_dist_disc.disc_code where disc_code_id = SECLN and code_or_subcode = S.

Otherwise, report N.


For the Action Code, incident Detail > Offenders panel > click appropriate offender name > Offense Actions section: Action Code

For the offender's Category code, Incident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > General panel: Categories

For the OCR District Setup, Regulatory > Civil Rights Data Collection > Setup > OCR District Setup > Discipline panel: Seclusion Action Codes and Categories

Room Locked Flag1NN

disc_user.field value where screen type = 'O' and screen_number = 222 and field_number = 3


Incident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > Other Offender Information panel > OR Physical Restraint and Seclusion: Seclusion in a Locked Room

Untrained Staff Flag1YN

disc_user.field value where screen type = 'O' and screen_number = 222 and field_number = 1


Incident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > Other Offender Information panel > OR Physical Restraint and Seclusion: Involving Untrained Staff

Steps Taken Code 13NN

disc_user.field value where screen type = 'O' and screen_number = 222 and field_number = 4


Incident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > Other Offender Information panel > OR Physical Restraint and Seclusion: Steps Taken Code 1

Steps Taken Code 23NN

disc_user.field value where screen type = 'O' and screen_number = 222 and field_number = 5


Incident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > Other Offender Information panel > OR Physical Restraint and Seclusion: Steps Taken Code 2

Steps Taken Code 33NN

disc_user.field value where screen type = 'O' and screen_number = 222 and field_number = 6


Incident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > Other Offender Information panel > OR Physical Restraint and Seclusion: Steps Taken Code 3

Steps Taken Comment5000NN

Concatenation of disc_user.field_value where screen_type = O, screen_number = 222, and field_number is in 27 through 46


Incident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > Other Offender Information panel > OR Physical Restraint and Seclusion: Steps Taken Comment 1 through 20

Seclusion Room Standards Flag1NN

disc_user.field value where screen type = 'O' and screen_number = 222 and field_number = 47

This flag cannot be blank when Seclusion Flag = Y

or_rest_sec_inc_down.seclusion_room_standards_flagIncident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > Other Offender Information panel > OR Physical Restraint and Seclusion: Seclusion in a Locked Room and meets all standards as per OAR 581-021-0568
Injury to Student Flag1YN

disc_user.field value where screen type = 'O' and screen_number = 222 and field_number = 48


Incident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > Other Offender Information panel > OR Physical Restraint and Seclusion: Resulting in Injury to Student

Injury to Personnel Flag1YNdisc_user.field value where screen type = 'O' and screen_number = 222 and field_number = 49or_rest_sec_inc_down.injury_to_personnel_flagIncident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > Other Offender Information panel > OR Physical Restraint and Seclusion: Resulting in Injury to Personnel or staff member
Death of Student Flag1YNdisc_user.field value where screen type = 'O' and screen_number = 222 and field_number = 50or_rest_sec_inc_down.death_of_student_flagIncident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > Other Offender Information panel > OR Physical Restraint and Seclusion: Resulting in Death of Student
Death of Personnel Flag1YNdisc_user.field value where screen type = 'O' and screen_number = 222 and field_number = 51or_rest_sec_inc_down.death_of_personnel_flagIncident Detail > Offenders panel > click View Detail for the appropriate offender > Other Offender Information panel > OR Physical Restraint and Seclusion: Resulting in Death of Personnel or staff member
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