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District Special Education program flag




739 - 739

program_value where state_code_equiv=ORSPE



Attending School Full Academic Year (FAY) Flag




740 - 740




Attending District Full Academic Year (FAY) Flag




741 - 741




How the Attending School Full Academic Year (FAY) Flag is Derived

  1. Calculate Session days for the specified start and end dates for the reporting period selected. This is a count of the membership days from the student's calendar. (Retrieve Count (Membership_day) from reg_cal_days for the specified start-end date/reporting period, where membership_day = 'Y')
  2. Calculate Enrollment days for the specified start and end dates for the reporting period selected. This is a count of Entry/Withdrawal dates for the Student. (Retrieve reg_entry_with.entry_date from 'reg_entry_with'/reporting period start-date as start date, retrieve reg_entry_with.withdrawal_date as end_date. If not withdrawn consider the prompted end_date/reporting period end_date.for calculations. Calculate the number of days between the start-end dates).
  3. Compare results from Step 1 and 2.
    • If the duration of enrollment days derived from Step 2 is > 50% of session day's value derived from Step 1, set the value of this field to Y; else set to N.
    • If the student has a Withdrawal Date, calculate the difference between the withdrawal date and enrollment start-date. If the difference is over 50% of the session days, set the value to Y; else set to N.
    • If for the prompted school year and reporting period the student has a Withdrawal Date and Enrollment Days is < 50% , set this field to N, but if the student has an Entry Date in another school within the same school district and was enrolled in district for > 50% ,then set the value to Y.

How the Attending District Full Academic Year (FAY) Flag is Derived

  1. Calculate Session days for the specified start and end dates for the reporting period selected. This is a count of the membership days from the student's calendar. (Retrieve Count (Membership_day) from reg_cal_days for the specified start-end date/reporting period, where membership_day = 'Y')
  2. Calculate Enrollment days for the specified start and end dates for the reporting period selected. This is a count of Entry/Withdrawal dates for the Student. (Retrieve reg_entry_with.entry_date from 'reg_entry_with'/reporting period start-date as start date, retrieve reg_entry_with.withdrawal_date as end_date. If not withdrawn consider the prompted end_date/reporting period end_date.for calculations. Calculate the number of days between the start-end dates).
  3. Compare results from Step 1 and 2.
    • If the duration of enrollment days derived from Step 2 is > 50% of session day's value derived from Step1, set the value of this field to Y else set to N.
    • If the student has a Withdrawal Date, calculate the difference between the withdrawal date and enrollment start-date. If the difference is > 50% of the Session Days, set the value to Y else set to N.

Note: The student's Attending District should be the same during the calculation period. This comes from the Program with a state code equiv of ORADT. If it is not the same, the value is set to N.

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