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Kindergarten Readiness

This section of the documentation will review the prerequisites for creating the Kindergarten Readiness file, describe the processing steps to create the file, and show the file layout/mapping for each file included in the submission.

Kindergarten Readiness Collection Prerequisites

  1. Verify that the Report Period validation table is set up correctly. (KG for Collection and the correct dates for the school year).
  2. Verify that Kindergarten grades have the correct State Code Equiv (KG) in the Grades validation table.
  3. Verify that Kindergarten students have the correct values on the OR Kindergarten Readiness page.

Kindergarten Readiness Processing

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Collections submenu, select Collections, and then select OR Student Download

Enter the prompts as specified in the following table and click the Run icon.

Prompts Panel



School Year

Input the school year. [Current School year]

Reporting Period

Select from the drop-down menu; Kindergarten Readiness (your district may have slightly different names for the Reporting Periods).

Start and End dates

Defaults to dates specified in the reporting period table.

Clear Existing

Selected (by default); Clears records from the download table for the specified school year, reporting period, collection, and filter.

Run Download

Selected (by default). Populates the download tables

Log File Type

Error logs can be created in pdf style as in the past, but can also be created as CSV files so that you can open them in a spreadsheet program.

Submission Files Panel

The SSID Data Section checkbox is selected by default. Select the Talented and Gifted Section and Kindergarten Readiness checkboxes.
Tip: for better performance, use some filters, even if it is a filter that includes all of your buildings. Running the Download without a filter at all slows performance. The best filter would be an Area of Entry/Withdrawal, Field Name Building, Condition of 'is in" and then all buildings in the Value field separated by commas.

  1. Review the errors in the Task Log Messages page and update the data as necessary.
  2. Once any data updates are made, repeat step 1 using the same prompt values. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until all errors are corrected.

Kindergarten Readiness Submission Files

Go to the OR Student Submissions File page (menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Collections submenu, select Collections, and then select OR Student Submission Files) and then enter values for the Prompts and Submission Files panels.

Prompts Panel



School Year

Input the school year. [Current School year]

Reporting Period

Select the Submission from the drop-down menu; Kindergarten Readiness (your District may have slightly different names for the Reporting Periods). Please use the same reporting period selection that was used in Step 1. If downloads do not exist in the table when you run extracts, the error will be logged in the log file that 'No Records matched Criteria'.

Submission Files Panel

The SSID Data Section box is checked by default. You must select the Talented and Gifted Section and Kindergarten Readiness checkboxes to extract these collection(s) into the submission file.

  1. Click the Run icon at the top right of the page.
  2. Go to your Home Page to save the files to your PC so that it can be transferred to the State. You can right-click on the file and choose "Save Target As". The file is saved at the specified location and is now ready to be sent. The file name for the extract should be OR_ReportingPeriodExtractdatetime.csv.

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