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January 2023 Minor Maintenance Release

This change has been released in the following software version:

  • ESP_22.12.1.0



Release Note

ESP-81423OR Medical Card
  • Updated the layouts, design, and text of the OR Medical Card templates for Sections A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H to reflect the latest formats for the OR Immunization Report shared by Oregon Health Authority.
  • Added "Preferred language of person completing report: English Spanish Other" to be displayed in Section A on page 1. Modified the field name “Administrator’s Name and title” to “Administrator’s name”.
  • Updated page 3 to display only Section E. Removed Sections F and G that were displayed along with Section E.
  • Updated page 4 to display Sections F, G, and H. Earlier Sections E, F, and G were displayed on page 3 and Section H was displayed on page 4.
  • On the OR Medical Card download page, renamed the prompt "Include Sections E, F, and G" to "Include Section E" and updated the corresponding download functionality.
  • On the OR Medical Card Download screen, renamed the prompt "Include Section H" to "Include Sections F, G, and H" and updated the corresponding download functionality.

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