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Using Registration Mass Update to Update Program Tracked Fields

If you select to update a field that is program tracked, the Registration Mass Update will allow you to specify how to process existing records for the field. You will be able to select to close the current record and add a new record, update the existing record, or close the existing record without opening a new record. You can specify the End Date to use and indicate that the Start Date of new records should be either a set date or the student's most recent entry date from Entry/Withdrawal.

The open vectors on the OH616 and OH617 programs for fields indicated on the EMIS OH616 and OH617 Withdrawal page will close when using the Registration Mass Update to withdraw students from the district.


  • Before running the Mass Update, it is strongly recommended to filter students by the Entry Withdrawal year to avoid updating all Entry/Withdrawal records of the students irrespective of Entry/Withdrawal year.

  • The withdrawal code selected on a student’s withdrawal needs to have a State Code Equivalent defined in the validation table for the open vectors to close as mentioned.

On the Registration Mass Update page, when you select to update a field that is program tracked, an Edit pencil icon will display in the Program Tracking Information column.

To enter the information to open or close program tracking records, click the Edit icon.

Click Load to display the records and click Run to start the mass update after selecting all applicable records.
To close a current record and open a new record

  1. Select Registration > Utilities > Mass Update > Registration Mass Update.
  2. Enter the desired search criteria in the Filter panel and click Load.
  3. On the Mass Update page, scroll to the list of students below the data entry fields.  Verify that the correct students were selected.
  4. To remove students from the list, check their Remove checkboxes, and then click Delete.
  5. Enter the student information you want to update in the data entry fields in the Prompts panel.
  6. When you select a field that is program tracked, the Edit button displays.
  7. On the Program Tracked Field Update pop-up, specify the following:
    • Action: Select Close existing open vectors and create new vectors with new value.
    • End Date: Enter the date to use to close the open records.
    • Start Date: Select to use the student's most recent entry date or enter the start date to use.
    • If the program is defined to allow Entry Reasons, Withdrawal Reasons, or Override, enter the appropriate information.
  8. Click OK to close the Program Tracked Field Update pop-up.
  9. Click Run.
  10. Check the Registration Mass Update Information Statistics log.

To replace the value in the current record and add new records for students who have no record

  1. Select Registration > Utilities > Mass Update > Registration Mass Update.
  2. Enter the desired search criteria in the Filter panel and click Load.
  3. On the Mass Update page, scroll to the list of students below the data entry fields. Verify that the correct students were selected.
  4. To remove students from the list, check their Remove checkboxes, and then click Delete.
  5. Enter the student information you want to update in the data entry fields in the Prompts panel.
  6. When you select a field that is program tracked, the Edit button displays.
  7. On the Program Tracked Field Update pop-up, specify the following:
    • Action: Select Replace value in existing open vector. Add new vectors if no open vectors exist.
    • End Date: This prompt will be disabled.
    • Start Date: Select to use the student's most recent entry date or enter the start date to use.
    • If the program is defined to allow Entry Reason or Override, enter the appropriate information.
  8. Click OK to close the Program Tracked Field Update pop-up.
  9. Click Run.
  10. Check the Registration Mass Update Information Statistics log.

To close the current record

  1. Select Registration > Utilities > Mass Update > Registration Mass Update.
  2. Enter the desired search criteria in the Filter panel and click Load.
  3. On the Mass Update page, scroll to the list of students below the data entry fields. Verify that the correct students were selected.
  4. To remove students from the list, check their Remove checkboxes, and then click Delete.
  5. Enter the student information you want to update in the data entry fields in the Prompts panel.
  6. When you select a field that is program tracked, the Edit button displays.
  7. On the Program Tracked Field Update pop-up,  specify the following:
    • Action: Select Close existing vectors only – skip if no open vector exists.
    • End Date: Enter the date to use to close the open records.
    • Start Date: This prompt will be disabled.
    • If the program is defined to allow Withdrawal Reasons or Override, enter the appropriate information.
  8. Click OK to close the Program Tracked Field Update pop-up.
  9. Click Run.
  10. Check the Registration Mass Update Information Statistics log.
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