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Scheduling Setup

To report the Student Course records for EMIS, you must schedule courses for all students, including Elementary students.

Course Catalog

Menu path: Select Scheduling from the main menu, select Courses submenu, select Building Courses, and then select Building Course Catalog.

BuildingBuilding to report for the course.
Transcript Building TypesTo report the credit for the course in the High School Credit element, select the high school building type entered in the EMIS Configuration. Field located on the Mark Reporting Information panel.
Credit (CN200)

Credit amount to report for High School Credit element. Field located on the Mark Reporting Information panel.

Note: For Transfer buildings, we recommend that you create a Course Catalog for the transfer building and define EMIS Course information for these courses.

Master Schedule

Menu path: Select Scheduling from the main menu, select Courses submenu, select Course Sections, and then select Master Schedule.

BuildingBuilding to report for the course.
Building TypeTo report the credit for the course in the High School Credit element, select the high school building type entered in the EMIS Configuration.
Credit (CN200)Credit amount to report for High School Credit Amount.
Primary StaffEmployee ID of the primary staff member to report for the course. This is a date tracked field.
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