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Reporting Summer Graduates in Fall Submission

To report a student who graduated during the summer in the Fall submission, you must have an entry/withdrawal record for the student in the current year and the student's graduation date must be between the end of the previous school year and the start of the current school year.


To be included in the Fall submission, the student must have an entry/withdrawal record for the current year.

  1. Add an entry/withdrawal record for the current school year.
  2. Enter an Entry Date that is before the first day of school.
  3. Enter the same date for the Withdrawal Date.

Graduation Date for Summer Graduates

On the Academic page, enter a summer date in the Graduation Date field. A summer date is a date that is:

  • after the last membership day of the student's calendar for the previous year, and
  • before the first membership day of the student's calendar for the current year.
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