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Reporting Majority of Attendance (MOA)

On this page:

MOA reports the IRN of the building or district where a student is continuously enrolled from the end of October Count Week through the spring test administration date.

How MOA is Reported

MOA is reported in the following ways:

MOA type


What is Reported?


The student was continuously enrolled in the same building during the MOA reporting period.

IRN of the building


The student was continuously enrolled in the same district, but changed buildings during the MOA reporting period.

IRN of the district


The student changed buildings and district during the MOA reporting period.


MOA Reporting Period

The reporting period for MOA is the following:

  • March 19th for all grades except 3-8
  • March 19th for Alternate Assessments (both OGT and Achievement)
  • May 10th for grades 3-8, except students taking Alternate Assessments

What Pages Are Used?

Listed below are the pages and fields in eSchoolPlus that are used in determining MOA.

EMIS Configuration


Spring Test Dates

Untested, Alt ELA, Alt Math (Any Grade)

March 19

OGT not taking Am History or Am Govt (9-12)

March 19

Next Gen Fall Block taking ELA or Math, not taking Spring Assessements (9-12)

April 13

Next Gen Spring All Subjects (9-12)

April 13

OGT taking Am History or Am Govt (9-12)

April 13

Next Gen Spring All Subjects (3-8)

April 13


BuildingState code of the building is used to check if student changed districts.
Entry CodeCode indicating entry into a district. Validated by the District Re-Entry Codes field on the EMIS Configuration page.


Alternate Building

This field can be used to override the building being reported for MOA. This field will only be used if the date range spans the entire MOA reporting date range.

The download does NOT count this as switching buildings.

EMIS Student Standing

Sent Reason 1If the current value is set to PS, MR, JV, or CT, then the student will get an MOA of either the state code of the building they were in continuously, or the state code of the district if they weren't in a building continuously. 
Sent Reason 2If the current value is set to PS, MR, JV, or CT, then the student will get an MOA of either the state code of the building they were in continuously, or the state code of the district if they weren't in a building continuously.

EMIS Majority of Attendance IRN

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > EMIS Majority of Attendance IRN

School YearListed school years for MOA IRN.
Spring Test DateCalculated field. This field will populate with the Spring Test date for the student.
Override Test DateIf checked, you may override the calculated Spring Test Date field.
MOA IRNCalculated field. This field will populate with the District IRN for the student.
Override IRNIf checked, you may override the calculated MOA IRN field.

Identifying Alternate Assessments

The following pages are used to identify students who are taking alternate assessments for MOA reporting.

Pre-ID Configuration

IEP Test Type for Alternate AssessmentsALT defines the test as an alternate assessment

EMIS Special Ed

Outcome End DateIf blank or the date is greater than the start of the fiscal year, the student is considered to have taken an alternate assessment.
IEP Test TypeThe student will be included in the download as an alternate assessment if ALT is selected.


Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > AIR/AASCD Info

AIR/AASCD TestSelect the designated test.
Test FormatSelect the designated test format.

Select the grade for which the test is administered.

This is used for students taking next generation tests.

If the MOA IRN date cannot be calculated, the following default dates will be assigned:

  • Grades 3-8: April 13
  • Grades 9-12: March 19

Viewing MOA Students

You can use the Advanced Search option on Student Search to view students who qualify for MOA.

Select "EMIS Majority of Attendance IRN" under the Area field. You may filter by MOA IRN, Override IRN, Override Test Date, School Year, or Spring Test Date.

This search will return all students who qualified for MOA for the selected school year. You will also have the option to create a PDF or Excel report by clicking the Export to PDF or Export to Excel buttons located on the top right of the Search Results panel.

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