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Reporting EMIS Data for Transfer Students

For transfer students, there are fields you must enter on the Course Entry Information page in order to accurately report EMIS data.

Transcript Summary - Mark Reporting Detail

Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Student > Transcript Summary

When entering courses for transfer students, we recommend that you enter applicable EMIS Course data to ensure accurate state reporting. The following fields on the EMIS Course page are required:

Course CodeSelect the subject of the course. Refer to the EMIS Manual for more information about subject codes. We recommend you use the Building Course Catalog course codes.
Credit AreaSelect the subject for which high school credit toward graduation is being applied, whether at middle school or high school level.
CORE AreaSelect the subject area and/or CORE requirement area which this course fills requirements for the CORE areas for graduation.
Location Irn OverrideIRN of building where the course is held. You only need to enter a value in this field if you want to report an IRN other than the IRN of the building where the course is held.
CurriculumSelect the curriculum source/model/program for the course.

To Enter the EMIS Course Data:

  1. Select the student to open the Transcript Summary page.
  2. Select the course to open the Mark Reporting Detail page.
  3. Click the Additional options button on the Course Information panel and select Master Schedule Course Information.
  4. Click the EMIS Course link on the District Defined panel to open the EMIS Course page.
  5. Verify the fields listed above are entered for the course for the selected student
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