Reporting DN Records
This section describes how Organization General (DN) records are reported to EMIS. The elements reported vary depending on the reporting period, district type, and the element being reported. The tables below provide a reference to verify all DN records created and divided into groups.
Feeder School Group
Attribute Name (DN060) | Attribute Text (DN080) | Attribute Number (DN090) | Attribute Date (DN070) | S Reporting Period Windows |
FEEDERSCHL | Building IRN | '0000000000' | '00000000' | Traditional - Midyear and Final Windows Community - Not Reported |
SIG Extended Time Group
Attribute Name (DN060) | Attribute Text (DN080) | Attribute Number (DN090) | Attribute Date (DN070) | S Reporting Period Windows |
SIGEXTNDYR | '******' | Number of minutes per year | '00000000' | Traditional - Final Window Community - Final Window |
SIGEXTNDDY | '******' | Number of minutes per year | '00000000' | Traditional - Final Window Community - Final Window |
SIGBEFNAFT | '******' | Number of minutes per year | '00000000' | Traditional - Final Window Community - Final Window |
SIGSUMRSCH | '******' | Number of minutes per year | '00000000' | Traditional - Final Window Community - Final Window |
SIGWEEKEND | '******' | Number of minutes per year | '00000000' | Traditional - Final Window Community - Final Window |
SIGOTHERTM | '******' | Number of minutes per year | '00000000' | Traditional - Final Window Community - Final Window |
Information Technology Center Group
Attribute Name (DN060) | Attribute Text (DN080) | Attribute Number (DN090) | Attribute Date (DN070) | S Reporting Period Windows |
INFOTECIRN | The ITC IRN number | '0000000000' | '00000000' | Traditional - All Windows Community - All Windows |
Student Group
Attribute Name (DN060) | Attribute Text (DN080) | Attribute Number (DN090) | Attribute Date (DN070) | S Reporting Period Windows |
STUKGBRDAY | 'A' or 'B' | '0000000000' | '00000000' | Traditional - All Windows Community - All Windows |
STUHOMESCL | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - All Windows Community - Not Reported |
STUKGLFREE | '******' | Number of kindergarten students | '00000000' | Traditional - All Windows Community - Not Reported |
STUKGLRCED | '******' | Number of kindergarten students | '00000000' | Traditional - All Windows Community - Not Reported |
STUKGNFEES | '******' | Number of kindergarten students | '00000000' | Traditional - All Windows Community - Not Reported |
STUKGTUITN | '******' | Number of kindergarten students | '00000000' | Traditional - All Windows Community - Not Reported |
STUELGEXAC | '******' | Percent of time | '00000000' | Traditional - All Windows Community - All Windows |
STUNPNTSRV | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - All Windows Community - Not reported |
STUNPNTELG | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Not reported |
STUPSTCBTR | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Not reported |
STUPSTCATR | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Not reported |
STULNCHFRE | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - All Windows Community - All Windows |
STULNCHRDC | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - All Windows Community - All Windows |
PHYSED Evaluation Group
Attribute Name (DN060) | Attribute Text (DN080) | Attribute Number (DN090) | Attribute Date (DN070) | S Reporting Period Windows |
PHYSEDLMKG | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDLM03 | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDLM06 | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDLM09 | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDPFKG | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDPF03 | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDPF06 | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDPF09 | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDADKG | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDAD03 | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDAD06 | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDAD09 | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDNEKG | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDNE03 | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDNE06 | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
PHYSEDNE09 | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
Eye Examination Group
Attribute Name (DN060) | Attribute Text (DN080) | Attribute Number (DN090) | Attribute Date (DN070) | S Reporting Period Windows |
EYEREQCNTA | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
EYERECCNTB | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
EYENRCCNT1 | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
Medical Group
Attribute Name (DN060) | Attribute Text (DN080) | Attribute Number (DN090) | Attribute Date (DN070) | S Reporting Period Windows |
GLCGNPRCMT | '******' | Number of glucagon doses procured on this date | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Not Reported |
GLCGNUSAGE | '******' | Number of glucagon doses used on this date | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Not Reported |
DIBTSENRLD | '******' | Number of students with diabetes enrolled in district | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Not Reported |
DIBTSERROR | '******' | Number of diabetes medication administration errors | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Not Reported |
INHLRPRCMT | '******' | Number of inhalers procured on this date | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Not Reported |
INHLRUSAGE | '******' | Number of inhalers used on this date | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Not Reported |
EPNPHPRCMT | '******' | Number of epinephrine autoinjectors procured on this date | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Not Reported |
EPNPHUSAGE | '******' | Number of epinephrine autoinjectors used on this date | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Not Reported |
District Group
Attribute Name (DN060) | Attribute Text (DN080) | Attribute Number (DN090) | Attribute Date (DN070) | S Reporting Period Windows |
LCLWELLPOL | 'Y' or 'N' | '0000000000' | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
Calendar Group (General)
This attribute is removed from record processing as per the ODE requirement.
Attribute Name (DN060) | Attribute Text (DN080) | Attribute Number (DN090) | Attribute Date (DN070) |
Calendar Group (Teachers)
Attribute Name (DN060) | Attribute Text (DN080) | Attribute Number (DN090) | Attribute Date (DN070) |
C_PRFLMEET | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | Hours in the reported day | CCYYMMDD |
C_PTCONFRC | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | Hours in the reported day | CCYYMMDD |
Calendar Group (Students)
Attribute Name (DN060) | Attribute Text (DN080) | Attribute Number (DN090) | Attribute Date (DN070) |
C_DCMTYTKN | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | '0000000000' | CCYYMMDD |
C_DPLANNED | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | '0000000000' | CCYYMMDD |
C_DNOTPLAN | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | '0000000000' | CCYYMMDD |
C_DBLZZARD | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | Number of hours | CCYYMMDD |
C_YWKENDSA | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | '0000000000' | '00000000' |
C_YWKENDSU | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | '0000000000' | '00000000' |
C_YWKDAYMN | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | '0000000000' | '00000000' |
C_YWKDAYTU | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | '0000000000' | '00000000' |
C_YWKDAYWD | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | '0000000000' | '00000000' |
C_YWKDAYTH | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | '0000000000' | '00000000' |
C_YWKDAYFR | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | '0000000000' | '00000000' |
C_HRSWKEND | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | Number of hours | CCYYMMDD |
C_HSHRTWEA | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | Number of hours | CCYYMMDD |
C_HSHRTPLN | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | Number of hours | CCYYMMDD |
C_HSHRTNOP | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | Number of hours | CCYYMMDD |
C_HRSLNGTH | '*' or 'GL*' or 'GLAP' | Number of hours | CCYYMMDD |
College Credit Plus Students Denied Participation or Student Billed
Attribute Name (DN060) | Attribute Text (DN080) | Attribute Number (DN090) | Attribute Date (DN070) | S Reporting Period Windows |
CCPDENIALS | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - Final window only Community - Final window only |
CCPREIMBCT | '******' | Number of students | '00000000' | Traditional - All Windows Community - Not reported |
CCPRESTITU | '******' | Number of dollars, rounded to nearest dollar | '00000000' | Traditional - All Windows Community - Not reported |
Preschool Special Education Agreements Group
Attribute Name (DN060) | Attribute Text (DN080) | Attribute Number (DN090) | Attribute Date (DN070) | S Reporting Period Windows |
TFRPSESCYS | '******' | '0000000000' | '00000000' | Traditional - All (Initial, Midyear, and Final) Windows Community - Not Reported |
This group's record must be created from the Preschool Special Education Agreements (menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District District Defined, and then select Preschool Special Education Agreements).
Districts enter the IRN providing preschool special education services for resident children (IRN field) and if the district has authorized the Department to transfer funds for preschool special education students (Transfer Funds checkbox). Save the details to create a new record if there are no existing records.
Run the Organisation General (DN) download and extract for the S reporting period to create the DN records and submission file.
In the download and extract file:
- TFRPSESCYS denotes that if an educational service center (ESC) is providing preschool special education services for resident children and the district has authorized the Department to transfer funds for preschool special education students calculated by the formula in ORC 3317.0213 to the ESC providing the services.
- TFRPSESCNO denotes that if an educational service center (ESC) is providing preschool special education services for resident children and the district has not authorized the Department to transfer funds for preschool special education students to the ESC providing the services.
Additional Information
The Medical Group attributes will be included in the Organization General (DN) download type when processing for the SCR (S) download period and the Final download period window. Data is retrieved from the District Medication Administration page when the Date is within the date range for the download. Values greater than 0 will be reported along with the Date.
The Organization General (DN) download will not process the EYENRCCNT2, EYENRCCNT3, EYENRCCNT4, EYENRCCNT5, EYENRCCNT6, EYENRCCNT7, and EYENRCCNT8 attributes from the Eye Examination Group.
The District All Day Kindergarten Information page has been added as a new District DD page. The list page contains fields for Fiscal Year, Eligible for Free Lunch, Eligible for Reduced Lunch, Max Amount Charged - Fee, and Max Amount Charges - Tuition. All fields are integers and will be reported directly in the Organization General (DN) download (if there is a value present) during all of the S download periods, as STUKGLFREE, STUKGLRCED, STUKGNFEES, STUKGTUITN, for the associated Fiscal Year).