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Reporting Discipline Incidents

EMIS requires that certain types of discipline incidents are reported in the Student Discipline Record (GD).

When you are entering Discipline Incidents, consider how information will be reported for EMIS.

Incident Detail Page

BuildingEnter the building where the incident took place. This is reported as the Building IRN of Where Discipline Incident Took Place Element (GD120).

Offender Detail Page


Enter the reasons that the student is being disciplined. The offense code(s) entered will be converted to the Discipline Reason Element (GD080) based on the Incident Codes validation table. 

The Student Discipline Record can include up to 5 reasons. If more than 5 offenses are entered for an offender, the system will use the Minimum Action Level field from the Incident Code validation table to determine which codes to report so the most severe offenses are reported.

You may not be able to enter multiple reasons. Your district determines if multiple offenses are allowed. 

Offender Action Maintenance Page

Note that eSchoolPlus supports two methods for tracking offender actions. You can track basic information about when an action started or track an occurrence record for every day the student serves the action. This page displays different fields based on how your district selected to track actions.

Action CodeThe action code entered will be converted to the Type of Discipline Element (GD070) based on the Offense Actions validation table.
Scheduled Duration

Enter the total number of days that the student is scheduled to serve the discipline action. If Actual Duration is not entered, then this value is reported as the Total Discipline Days Element (GD090).

This field displays if your district does not track discipline by occurrence dates.

Actual DurationEnter the total number of days that the student served the discipline action. If entered, this value is reported as the Total Discipline Days Element (GD090).
Scheduled Start Date

Enter the date on which the student began the discipline. This is reported as the Date of Discipline Element (GD060).

This field displays if your district does not track discipline by occurrence dates. If your district tracks by occurrence, refer to the Occurrences description.

Reason For Difference

This field only applies to EMIS if the incident was related to possession of a dangerous weapon (EMIS Discipline Reasons 06 or 08) and the student was expelled. If the Chief Administrating Officer modified, on a case-by-case basis, in writing, the one-year expulsion requirement for possession of a firearm at school, select the appropriate code. The Discipline Modified Element (GD100) will be reported as follows if the EMIS Discipline Reason is a 06 or 08:

  • If this field has a value, then Y will be reported.
  • If this field does not have a value, then N will be reported.
Action Outcome

This field only applies to EMIS if the incident was related to possession of a dangerous weapon (EMIS Discipline Reasons 06 or 08) and the student was expelled. If the student, for whom a Chief Operating Officer modifies as part of a case-by-case basis the one-year expulsion requirement for possession of a firearm, was recommended for alternate educational services, select ALT.

The Discipline Modified Element (GD100) will be reported as follows if the EMIS Discipline Reason is a 06 or 08:

  • If this field is set to ALT, then Y will be reported.
  • If this field is blank or set to a value other than ALT, then N will be reported.

Note: Your district may have another code that also converts to Y.


If your building tracks occurrences, the first occurrence record will be used to report the Date of Discipline Element (GD060). If a date is entered in the Actual Date field, that date is reported. Otherwise, the date entered in the Scheduled Date field is reported.

The Occurrences section of the page only displays if your district tracks occurrences for actions.

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