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Ohio Year End Rollover

Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, select Utilities submenu, select Year End, and then select Ohio Year End Rollover.

This utility is used to assist in the Year-End rollover process. This utility should be the last step performed in the rollover process.

New Calendar Year

Enter the new calendar year for the rollover.

Note: This field should match the Current Year for the database in which you are working.

BuildingSelect the desired buildings to perform the rollover.
Reset Gifted Screened Fields to NSelect if you want to reset all Gifted Screened fields to 'N'.
Reset Gifted Assessed Fields to NSelect if you want to reset all Gifted Assessed fields to 'N'.
Reset Gifted Serviced Fields to NSelect if you want to reset all Gifted Serviced fields to 'N'.
Reset Acceleration Fields to BlankDo not use this field. Acceleration is now date-tracked, so the field is now obsolete.
Reset LRE Outcome (Dec 1) to BlankSelect if you want to update the LRE Outcome field on the EMIS Attribute - No Date page.
Close Poverty Level VectorsSelect if you want to close all Poverty Level vectors.
Reset Accel Assessment Acc JRN to BlankSelect if you want to update the Accel Assessment Acc JRN field on the EMIS Student Standing page.
Change 50% Time to 100%Select if you want to change any part-time students to full time.
Select Grades to Change 50% Time to 100%Select the Grades if the prior field is selected.
Reset Date Tracked Information for Sent Reason

Select if you want to reset date tracked information.

Sent Reason CodeSelect the Reason Code if the prior field is selected.
Rollover District RelationshipSelect if you want to close any open District Relationship programs in OH616 for the year and reopen with a value of 1 in the new year.
Reset Exclude from EMIS FlagSelect if you want to update the Exclude from EMIS Flag button on the Student Standing page.
Close LEP VectorsSelect if you want to close the LEP Vector on the EMIS Attributes programs page and clear out the LEP field on the EMIS Attribute - Date page.


If you need to undo the OH Year End rollover or restore to a prior run, there is a Restore option available. This option provides detailed information on all fields, including which fields were selected.

  1. Click the Restore button.
  2. Select the option for which run you want to restore. Click Run to start the restore process.

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