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Loading SSIDs

This section describes how to download the file to request SSIDs and to upload the SSID file that you receive. PowerSchool provides the definitions for the download and upload.

Downloading SSID Files

The EMIS SSID Download creates a data file for students who are active, but who do not have a State ID. The Run Download will create a header file with security information and a detail file with student information.

  1. Select Administration > Utilities > Download & Upload > Run Download.
  2. On the Run Download page, select the appropriate interface ID:
    • 90 EMIS SSID Download Active Students
    • IDALL EMIS SSID Download All Students
    • IDNOP EMIS SSID Download No Pre-Reg Students
  3. Click Run.
  4. To locate the file, click Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar. The file will be listed on the Tasks and Reports page's Reports panel. Save it to your local machine.

Uploading SSID File

The State ID is a program-tracked field. The State ID Upload option will create program tracking records as needed.

If a student has a state ID already, the State ID Upload will move the existing ID to the previous state ID field and close the program tracking record for the existing ID before it creates a program tracking record for the new ID.

  1. Move the SSID file that you want to upload to eSchoolPlus to a directory which is easy to find.
  2. Change the name of the file to Site_d.txt.
  3. Right-click on the file and select to open it with Notepad. Verify that the file is comma-delimited and is readable. If there is an issue with the file, do not continue to the next step.
  4. From the eSchoolPlus menu, select Upload File.
  5. Click Browse.
  6. On the Choose File window, navigate to the directory from Step 1. Double click on the Site_d.txt file.
  7. Click Upload Records. When the upload is complete, the file will be stored in your report directory.
  8. Select Administration > Utilities > Download & Upload > Run Upload.
  9. On the State ID Upload page, select Interface ID 91 EMIS SSID Upload.
  10. Enter the program tracking dates to use. The End Date should be one day prior to the Start Date, and will only be used to close SSID Program records for students in the data file who already have an assigned SSID that does not match the SSID value in the data file. The Import Directory field should be set to User's Report Directory.
  11. Click Run.
  12. Check the Interface Upload Log for errors.
  13. Verify that student's ID information was loaded correctly by checking the Personal page and the State ID program tracking data.

Possible Errors



Cannot Update State ID; Student ID: 999999 does not exist in the Personal Table

The student ID in the file does not exist in Registration.

Note: If there is a blank line in the file, you will get this error with no student ID. The error will be listed for each blank line.

Cannot Update State ID; Student ID: 999999 Already exists for another student ID

The state ID listed for a student has already been assigned to another student. The state ID will not be loaded.

Not Update State ID; 999999 Already exists for student ID 999999 being processed

The file has the same state ID that is currently assigned to the student.

Cannot Update State ID; Student ID: LocalIdent does not exist in the Personal table.

Ignore this message. This error relates to the header row.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.