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EMIS Student Acceleration Page

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, choose Entry & ReportsStudent District Defined, and then select EMIS Student Acceleration.

The Student Acceleration (FB) Record must be reported for the Midyear and End of Year Student (S) Collections and the School Options Enrollment System (SOES) End of Year Student (S) Collection. It is reported only for students who have a referral from the district’s Acceleration Evaluation Committee and were placed on a Written Acceleration Plan (WAP). The record can be reported for accelerated students in any grade level, kindergarten through high school.

Acceleration stops being reported if the student is no longer subject or whole grade accelerated. If the student was subject accelerated in Math and Reading but is no longer subject accelerated in Reading, the acceleration for Reading is no longer reported. For a student accelerated (subject or whole grade) at one district who then transfers to a different district after the transition period, the new district will report acceleration records for the student. The new district will report acceleration records for students who transfer during the transition period if the accelerated placement is honored and implementation of the WAP continues as intended.

Field Descriptions

The EMIS Student Acceleration page is the source for the following fields reported in the Student Acceleration Record (FB) download from the Student/Course Downloads page. The Subject Area Code (FB060), and Accelerated Status Flag (FB100) are retrieved from this page.

  1. Subject Area Code (FB060) indicates the area or subject in which the student was accelerated and of the assessment administered. The Subject Area Codes are:
    • A = All Subjects
    • R = Reading / Writing
    • M = Math
    • C = Social Studies
    • S = Science
  2. Accelerated Status Flag (FB100) indicates if the student is accelerated. Valid values are Y and N. 
    1. Y is reported if at least one of the two fields "Acceleration "Subject Area" and Total Grades Acc "Subject Area" on the EMIS Student Acceleration page have a non-zero value.
    2. N is reported if the Total Grades Acc "Subject Area" was end-dated with a non-zero value in the current school year or the prior school year only.

A student is included in the FB Download in eSchoolPlus if on the EMIS Student Acceleration Page, the following criteria are satisfied:

  1. Acceleration "Subject Area" has a non-zero value, OR
  2. Total Grades Acc "Subject Area" has a non-zero value, OR
  3. Total Grades Acc "Subject Area" was end dated with a non-zero value in the current or previous school year.

Each EMIS record has specific fields that must be unique on each row of data reported to the Department. For the Student Acceleration (FB) Record, each combination of values in the EMIS Student ID (FB050) and Subject Area Code (FB060) fields are unique.

Acceleration - WritingProgram-tracked. Select the number of years a student was newly accelerated (or additionally accelerated) in the current school year, in Writing.
Total Grades Acc Writing

Program-tracked. Select the overall number of years a student is accelerated in Writing. For example, if a student in grade 03 received instruction at an accelerated grade level 05 in the current year, select 2.

This value calculates the Accelerated Grades values in the Pre-ID files created by the Generate Pre-ID Files process.

Acceleration - Reading

Program-tracked. Select the number of years a student was newly accelerated (or additionally accelerated) in the current school year, in Reading.

Total Grades Acc Reading

Program-tracked. Select the number of years a student is accelerated in Reading. For example, if a student in grade 03 is taking the grade 05 test, select 2.

This value calculates the Accelerated Grades values in the Pre-ID files created by the Generate Pre-ID Files process.

Acceleration - Math

Program-tracked. Select the number of years a student was newly accelerated (or additionally accelerated) in the current school year, in Math.

Total Grades Acc Math

Program-tracked. Select the number of years a student is accelerated in Math. For example, if a student in grade 03 is taking the grade 05 test, select 2.

This value calculates the Accelerated Grades values in the Pre-ID files created by the Generate Pre-ID Files process.

Acceleration - Social Studies

Program-tracked. Select the number of years a student was newly accelerated (or additionally accelerated) in the current school year, in Social Studies.

Total Grades Acc Social Studies

Program-tracked. Select the number of years a student is accelerated in Social Studies. For example, if a student in grade 03 is taking the grade 05 test, select 2.

This value calculates the Accelerated Grades values in the Pre-ID files created by the Generate Pre-ID Files process.

Acceleration – Science

Program-tracked. Select the number of years a student was newly accelerated (or additionally accelerated) in the current school year, in Science.

Total Grades Acc Science

Program-tracked. Select the number of years a student is accelerated in Science. For example, if a student in grade 03 is taking the grade 05 test, select 2.

This value calculates the Accelerated Grades values in the Pre-ID files created by the Generate Pre-ID Files process.

Acceleration - All Subjects

Program-tracked. Select the number of years a student was whole grade accelerated or accelerated in all subjects in the current school year.

A student flagged as accelerated in All Subjects overrides all other subjects and will be reported as a single FB record, with subject code A. All Subjects will only override the individual subjects if the accelerated status for All Subjects is Y.

If the student is not accelerated in All Subjects, the individual subject area records will be created, as before.

Total Grades Acc All Subjects

Program-tracked. Select the number of years a student is whole grade accelerated or accelerated in all subjects.

This value calculates the Accelerated Grades values in the Pre-ID files created by the Generate Pre-ID Files process.

Reading and Writing subject areas are reported as a single record with a subject code of R, with the accelerated status of Y taking priority. For example, if a student is accelerated in Reading, but not Writing, a record with subject code R should be reported, with an accelerated status value of Y.

Reporting Acceleration

Example 1 - Single Subject Acceleration

For the 2022 school year, a student who is studying in Grade 4 was accelerated from Grade 4 Math to Grade 5 Math. In the EMIS Student Acceleration page, the student receives an Acceleration - Math value of one (1-1) with a start date added, and no end date.

In the next school year 2023, when the student is in Grade 5, the following scenarios can occur:

  1. The student remains on the same acceleration track, moving from Grade 5 Math to Grade 6 Math. 
    1. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, the previous year's value of one (1-1) for Acceleration - Math receives an end date as the student is not further accelerated in the current year.
    2. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, a value of zero (0-0) is entered for Acceleration - Math field as the student was not further/additionally accelerated in the current year. A start date should be added with no end date.
      1. OR no new value is entered for Acceleration - Math.
    3. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, a value of one (1-1) is entered in the Total Grades Acc - Math as the student is still receiving instructions at an accelerated grade level for Math. A start date should be added with no end date.
    4. In the download, M is reported in the Subject Area Code (FB060) and Y is reported in the Accelerated Status Flag (FB100) in the download since the student is receiving instructions at an accelerated grade level for Math.
  2. The student is additionally or further accelerated to Grade 7 Math.
    1. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, the previous year's value of 1-1 for Acceleration - Math receives an end date.
    2. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, a value of one (1-1) is newly entered for Acceleration - Math field as the student was additionally accelerated in the current school year. A start date should be added with no end date.
    3. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, a value of two (2-2) is entered in the Total Grades Acc - Math as the student who is in Grade 5 is receiving instructions at an accelerated grade level of 7 for Math. A start date should be added with no end date.
    4. In the download, M is reported in the Subject Area Code (FB060) and Y is reported in the Accelerated Status Flag (FB100) in the Download since the student is receiving instructions at an accelerated grade level for Math.
  3. The student is no longer accelerated, that is, the student continues to receive instructions in Grade 5 Math.
    1. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, the previous year's value of 1-1 for Acceleration - Math receives an end date as the student is not further accelerated in the current year.
    2. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, no new value is added for Acceleration - Math for the current year.
    3. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, no value is added for Total Grades Acc - Math as the student is not accelerated.
    4. In the download, M is reported in the Subject Area Code (FB060) and N is reported in the Accelerated Status Flag (FB100) in the Download since the student is not accelerated. Note that this record is only created for the student as the student was accelerated the prior year. If the student was not accelerated in the previous year as well no record will be created in the download.

Example 2 - Whole Grade Acceleration

For the 2022 school year, a student is accelerated from Grade 4 to Grade 5 in all five subject areas. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, the student receives an Acceleration - All Subjects value of one (1-1).

In the next school year 2023, the following scenarios can occur:

  1. The student remains on the same acceleration track in all Subject Areas, that is, the student is receiving instructions in all Subjects at Grade 7 level. 
    1. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, the previous year's value of 1-1 for Acceleration - All Subjects receives an end date.
    2. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, a value of zero (0-0) is entered for Acceleration - All Subjects field as the student was not further/additionally whole grade accelerated in the current year. A start date is added with no end date.
      1. OR, no new value is entered for Acceleration - All Subjects field as the student was not further/additionally whole grade accelerated in the current year.
    3. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, a value of one (1-1) is entered in the Total Grades Acc - All Subjects as the student is still receiving instructions at an accelerated grade level of 7 for all Subjects. A start date is added with no end date.
    4. In the download, A is reported in the Subject Area Code (FB060) and Y is reported in the Accelerated Status Flag (FB100) in the Download since the student is receiving instructions at an accelerated grade level.
  2. The student is additionally or further whole grade accelerated to Grade 7. On the EMIS Student Acceleration Screen
    1. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, the previous year's value of 1-1 for Acceleration - All Subjects receives an end date.
    2. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, a value of one (1-1) is newly entered for Acceleration - All Subjects field as the student was additionally whole grade accelerated in the current school year. A start date should be added with no end date.
    3. On the EMIS Student Acceleration page, a value of two (2-2) is entered in the Total Grades Acc - All Subjects as the student who would otherwise be in Grade 5 is receiving instructions at an accelerated grade level of 7. A start date should be added with no end date.
    4. In the download, A is reported in the Subject Area Code (FB060) and Y is reported in the Accelerated Status Flag (FB100) in the Download since the student is receiving instructions at an accelerated grade level.

Early Entrance Students

Early Entrance students should be reported with option A if they were evaluated per local policy and found to be eligible to begin kindergarten or first grade early. In such cases on the EMIS Student Acceleration page, a value of one 1 (1-1) for Acceleration - All Subjects should be entered, with a start date and no end date. 

Faster than Normal Progression in High School

Only report acceleration for high school students who skip a course grade level.

If a high school student graduates in less than four years through taking extra credits or summer courses, EMIS does not consider this student accelerated even though the student graduated early.

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