EMIS Programs Page
Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > EMIS Programs
The EMIS Programs page is used to enter the program information to report as part of the Student Programs record. When the Student/Course Downloads option is run, Student Programs download records are created for programs for which the student would have been participating based on the date ranges selected for the reporting period.
Fields | Description |
Start Date (GQ100) | Enter the first day a student is enrolled in a program. |
EMIS Program (GQ060) | Select the program in which the student participates and/or receives services. |
Employee ID (GQ070) | Select the staff member who provides services for the following programs:
Do not enter staff for other programs. |
Provider IRN (GQ090) | District IRN of the entity in contract with the reporting school district. |
End Date (GQ110) | Enter the last day the student is enrolled in a program. |
Click Add to create a new record.