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EMIS OH616 and OH617 Withdrawal

Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District District Defined, and then select EMIS OH616 and OH617 Withdrawal.

The fields in this page are used to define which open vectors on a student’s OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen and/or OH617 - EMIS Student Attribute Program should close when a student withdraws from a district (with a withdrawal code having a State Code Equivalent). A student can be withdrawn from the Entry/Withdrawal page, or using the Mass Withdraw functionality, or using the Registration Mass Update to withdraw students from the district.

  • The two checkboxes which were earlier on the EMIS District page: End OH616 on Leave District and End OH617 on Leave District, have been moved to this page as the parent vector holder.
  • The withdrawal code selected on a student’s withdrawal must have a State Code Equivalent defined in the validation table for the open vectors to close as mentioned.
  • If the prompts End OH616 on Leave District or End OH617 On Leave District are selected on the EMIS OH616 and OH617 Withdrawal page, all open vectors in the OH616 and OH617 programs respectively will be closed regardless of which individual fields are selected to close.
  • Before running the Mass Update, it is strongly recommended to filter students by the Entry Withdrawal year to avoid updating all Entry/Withdrawal records of the students irrespective of the Entry/Withdrawal year.

How to use EMIS OH616 and OH617 Withdrawal ?

  • Select the fields or vectors that need to be closed on student withdrawal.
  • Select End OH616 on Leave District if all the open vectors/fields on OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen are to be closed on student withdrawal.
  • Select End OH617 on Leave District if all the open vectors/fields on OH617 - EMIS Student Attribute Program are to be closed on student withdrawal.
  • When withdrawing a student (from Entry/Withdrawal, Mass Withdraw or Registration Mass Update), ensure that the withdrawal code selected has a state code equivalent. If the withdrawal code does not have a state code equivalent, the open vectors will not close even if you have selected them to be closed on the EMIS OH616 and OH617 Withdrawal page.
End OH616 on Leave DistrictSelect if every open field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Tuition TypeSelect if the TUITION TYPE field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
District RelationshipSelect if the DISTRICT RELATIONSHIP field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Admitted From-Dist Rel ChangeSelect if the Admitted From-Dist Rel Change field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Assigned Bldg Area IRNSelect if the Assigned Bldg Area IRN field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
How ReceivedSelect if the How Received field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
How Received IRNSelect if the How Received IRN field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Sent Reason 1Select if the Sent Reason 1 field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Sent Reason 2Select if the Sent Reason 2 field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Sent to Irn 1Select if the Sent to IRN 1 field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Sent to Irn 2Select if the Sent to IRN 2 field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Sent to % of Time 1Select if the Sent to % of Time 1 field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Sent to % of Time 2Select if the Sent to % of Time 2 field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Percent of TimeSelect if the Percent of Time field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
District of ResidenceSelect if the District of Residence field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Country of ResidenceSelect if the Country of Residence field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
SSIDSelect if the SSID field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Alternate BuildingSelect if the Alternate Building field on the OH616 - EMIS Student Standing Screen program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
End OH617 on Leave District

Select if every field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.

Foreign Exchange Grad PlanSelect if the Foreign Exchange GRAD PLAN field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Immigrant StatusSelect if the Immigrant Status field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Attendance Pattern OverrideSelect if the Attendance Pattern Override field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Unaccompanied YouthSelect if the Unaccompanied Youth field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
LEP StatusSelect if the LEP Status field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Preschool Poverty LevelSelect if the Preschool Poverty Level field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Homeless StatusSelect if the Homeless Status field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Meal Status - DisadvantagementSelect if the Meal Status - Disadvantagement field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Academic DisadvantagementSelect if the Academic Disadvantagement field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
MigrantSelect if the Migrant field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Section 504 PlanSelect if the Section 504 Plan field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Accountability IRNSelect if the Accountability IRN field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Retained StatusSelect if the Retained Status field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Math Diagnostic ResultSelect if the Math Diagnostic Result field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Reading Diagnostic ResultSelect if the Reading Diagnostic Result field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Writing Diagnostic ResultSelect if the Writing Diagnostic Result field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
Military Student IdentifierSelect if the Military Student Identifier field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
CTE ConcentrationSelect if the CTE Concentration field on the OH617- EMIS Student Attribute program is to be closed when a student is withdrawn from the district.
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