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EMIS Course

Menu path:

Select Scheduling from the main menu, select Courses submenu, select Building Courses, and then select EMIS Course.

Select Scheduling from the main menu, select Courses submenu, select Course Sections, and then select EMIS Course.

Select Scheduling from the main menu, select Courses submenu, select District Courses, and then select EMIS Course.

The EMIS Course option is used to enter additional course information that is required for the Ohio Transcript. You can define EMIS Course information at the (Building) Course Catalog level so that defaults are entered for course sections as users add Master Schedule course sections. This information is reported in the Course Staff Date-Tracking Data records and Student – Course Completion records. It is also used to calculate information for the Career Tech records.

The EMIS Course record has not been saved to the database if the following text displays at the top of the page: "Please note that the following data has been defaulted. There is currently no data saved for this course." You must click Save if you want to create a EMIS Course record for the course-section.

The Master Schedule Builder option does not create EMIS Course records for course-sections that are built. If your district uses the Master Schedule Builder to create Master Schedule sections, you must contact the help desk for an SQL statement that copies the EMIS Course data from the Course Catalog to the Master Schedule sections.

EMIS Course Page Field Descriptions

Local Classroom Code (CN060)Select the code that is used to identify this course in the Course Master and Student Course Data records. See below for options on how to default the Local Classroom Codes.
Course Code (CN050)Select the subject of the course. Refer to the EMIS Manual for more information about subject codes.
Course Level (CN080)Select the level of a course for courses taught in successive order. For example, Algebra I and Algebra II. Typically, this field is set to ~ to indicate not applicable.
Length of Schd Instruction (CN100)Enter the number of hours per year that a teacher spends in instruction for the course/subject.
Credit Area (CN210)Select the subject for which high school credit toward graduation is being applied, whether at middle school or high school level.
CORE Area (GC060)Select the subject area and/or CORE requirement area which this course fills requirements for the CORE areas for graduation.
English Used (CN220)

Select if English is used by the teacher when presenting to students.

Note: If English used and Native Language used are checked, B (English and native language) will be reported

Native Language used (CN220)Select if the student's native language is used by the teacher when presenting to students.
Location IRN Override (CN110)Enter the IRN of building where the course is held. You only need to enter a value in this field if you want to report an IRN other than the IRN of the building where the course is held.
Include in EMIS Reporting

Select if the course should be included in the Course Master and Student Course records. Unchecked if the course should not be reported to EMIS.

The Student/Course Downloads option always excludes courses where the Study Hall box is checked in the Master Schedule.

CTE College Credit (CN300)Select if a career-technical course provides an opportunity for students to earn college credit.
Curriculum (CN310)Select the curriculum source/model/program for the course.
Delivery Method (CN320)Select the means by which instruction is provided/communicated to the students in the course.
Educational Option (CN330)Select the Educational Option status for a course per Ohio Administrative Code 3301-35-06 (G).
Student Population (CN340)Select the attributes of the group of students for which the course is intended.
CTE ProgramSelect the appropriate CTE Program, if necessary.
Credit Flexibility (CN350)Select an option for Credit Flexibility.
Dual Credit (GC110)Enter numeric course credit for dual credit course.
End of Course Mark Type

Enter the mark type to specify which student mark will hold the mark value to be converted to Graduation Points. This should be the mark type you use to store the student's final course grade.

The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation converts the final grade to graduation points for the Ohio state exam graduation pathway. The Level table maps course grades to graduation point equivalents.

Use this for any course where you need to report Ohio state exam graduation points not available through student Test History records. This applies to College Credit Plus (CCP) courses, courses a student took prior to Ohio state exam availability, and out-of-district courses lacking Ohio state exam scores for transfer students.

OH Grad Req Subject AreaSelect the Subject Area where the Graduation Points should be awarded for this course if you defined an End of Course Mark Type.
AP Subject

Select the Advanced Placement subject that applies to the course, if applicable. The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation uses this setting when it checks if a student earned credit for an AP course.

The code selected here also needs to be associated with the appropriate subtest Score Definition as a State Code Equiv in Test Definition Setup. Refer to Graduation Requirements Setup for complete setup information.

IB Subject

Select the International Baccalaureate subject that applies to the course, if applicable. The Ohio Graduation Requirements Calculation uses this setting when it checks if a student earned credit for an IB course.

The code selected here also needs to be associated with the appropriate subtest Score Definition as a State Code Equiv in Test Definition Setup. Refer to Graduation Requirements Setup for complete setup information.

End of Course Assessment AreaSelect the course's Assessment Area Code as identified in the End of Course Assessment Area field on the EMIS District page.
CTE Assessment Area CodeSelect the course's CTE Assessment Area Code required for the Student CTAE Testing (ASSESSMENT_GY) records.
CTE Mark TypeSelect the course's CTE Mark Type required for the Student CTAE Testing (ASSESSMENT_GY) records.

Additional Information

The End of Course Assessment Area and End of Course Mark Type fields should be populated for a course to be identified for EOC substitution.

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