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Emergency Page

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Emergency

The Disability fields are used to report the Disability Condition that is part of the Student Attributes – Date record. The disability where the Disability Order is equal to 1 is reported to EMIS. If the student's primary disability changes, you must enter an end date for the previous disability and enter a new record for the current disability. If you are correcting disability information because the incorrect code was previously selected, you can change the code on the existing record.

Start DateEnter the effective start date to report for the disability with a Disability Order of 1. 
Disability Code (FD130)

Enter the disability of a student at or below 22 years of age who has been officially identified with a disability by an ETR (Evaluation Team Report), an IEP (Individualized Education Program), and one of the valid disability condition options.

The code with a Disability Order of 1 for a date range will be reported as the Disability Condition.

Disability OrderEnter an order of 1 for the disability which should be reported as the Disability Condition.
End DateEnter the effective end date to report for the disability with a Disability Order of 1.

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