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Viewing Download Records

eSchoolPlus provides Download Summary options which let you review data in state reporting download tables prior to performing a final extract and submitting information to SIRS. The option you access depends on the type of information you want to review: student, staff, course, or district-level code sets. 

For each Download Summary option, you can select the submission for which you want to view data and then click the tab for the download record to view. Additionally, you can select to display history for the student, staff member, course, or district to see download records for all submissions for which there is data. 

You can edit the non-key fields in download records by clicking the Edit link. Note that you must verify that you are entering data as required by the State when you edit the download records. This page does not validate the data you enter. We recommend that you make changes to the source data and re-run the appropriate download option if you need to correct data.

eScholar Files in Download Summary

The following chart shows the Download Summary option to use for viewing the eScholar data you download:

Student Download Summary (Regulatory > Downloads > Summary > NY Student Download Summary)

Staff Download Summary (Regulatory > Downloads > Summary > NY Staff Download Summary)

Course Download Summary (Regulatory > Download > Summary > NY Course Download Summary)

Student Lite

Staff Snapshot


School Entry/Exit

Staff Evaluation Rating

Programs Fact

Staff Assignment

Assessment Fact

Course Instructor Assignment

Assessment Accommodation Modification Fact

Class Entry/Exit

Student Daily Attendance

Student Contact Fact

Student Credit GPA

Student Class Grade Detail

Staff Student Course

Student Contact

Partner Project Fact

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